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Issue 19 - April 2001
Published: Thursday March 29, 2001

Smell the burning rubber...

Digital Art.

Powered Up!
The latest on MorphOS.

The Eye-Surf.

Bitmap Bonus!
Paging Mr. Montgomery...

Regulars: News - Including, this month, an Alt.WoA show report! Rants & Raves - It’s the little things that are important, apparently. Active Gamer - Shooting the flying things on multiple platforms. Interactive - There’s somthing in the air. Is it the AmigaOne? Guru - All eyes on you. Online - Stay Secure online with the help of a cookie or two... The Back Page - Ye Gods! It's a new section for Amiga Active...

Reviews: MorphOS - Does the latest version of the PPC Amiga OS float like a butterfly? iFusion Preview - Yes, a preview of the long awaited PPC Mac Emulator from Microcode Solutions. Eye-Surf - Surf from your sofa, courtesy of the Eye-Surf set-top box. NextGen Watch - Amiga Active gets physical with Oxford based code maestros MathEngine. Shareware - Another trawl through the murky green ocean of freely available Amiga shareware. Active Media - CD-ROMs and web sites to get stuck into when you’ve finished with AA19! Payback - They burn rubber, shoot at you if you do the slightest thing to upset them and don’t stop for pedestrians. No, not the youths who hang around your local corner shop at midnight... the policemen in Payback!

Features: Digital Art - Digital photography is a tool of convenience, but that doesn’t mean you need to compromise on quality. Mini Masterclass - Scared of SCSI? Troubled by termination? Disillusioned about daisychaining? The first in a new series of Mini Masterclasses will put you straight. DrawStudio - To finish our DrawStudio Masterclass, we take a look at a few of the program’s more advanced features and show you what you can do with the images you’ve already created. Active ARexx - GoldED is the next program to get the Active ARexx treatment. In this installment, we show you how to copy text between documents with the click of a button, and assign commands to keyboard shortcuts, among other things!