
Coverdisc Contributions

If you've got a program or game, some artwork, an animation, musical creation or even an Amiga related web site that you'd like the rest of the Amiga community to see, please send it to us for inclusion on an Amiga Active Cover CD!

However, please do not submit anything unless you have permission to do so - this includes your own creations if they contain copyrighted material, such as samples of other music in MODs, for example.

[submitting web sites] [submitting other work]

Submitting a Web Site

We're always after web sites to add to the collection already on our cover CDs, so if you'd like your web site to be among them, please let us know before submitting anything by e-mailing aacd.websites@amigactive.com

The information below regarding a .readme file and granting your permission also applies to web site submissions.

Submitting Other Work

Submissions can be sent in to us in a variety of ways:

By Post
You can submit material via post in the following formats:

Media Type
Amiga floppy disk 880k or 1.76MB
PC floppy disk 720k or 1.44MB
Zip disk Amiga or PC format
Compact disc ISO, Rockridge or Joliet format

If sending floppy disks, please use standard disk formats and do not send archives created with a backup program. If you send LhA or LZX archives, make sure you check the archive for corruption before sending. If we cannot read your disks, your submission will not appear on the CD. All submissions must be accompanied by the permission statement below.

Via the Internet
You can send us your work over the Internet, either via e-mail or FTP, or you can upload via this web page using the form below.

Each submission must be accompanied by a separate readme file containing your name, e-mail address, a brief description of your submission and the permission statement below. For example, if you submit MyProgram.lha and MyMods.lha you must also submit MyProgram.readme and MyMods.readme. Any archive uploaded without a readme will not be considered for the CD.

Files may be archived with LZX, LhA, ZIP or tar/gzip (tgz). Please be sure to check archives for corruption before uploading. If we can't read it, we can't include it.

To upload via our web site, please use this form. Note that your browser must support file gadgets in forms for this to work.

Upload files now!
File to upload:
Readme file:
When uploading your files, be sure to include the permission statement below in the .readme file.

Permission to include your submission on an AACD
Each submission for our cover CDs must include the following text, completed and in full, in the accompanying .readme file:

"I, <your name>, give permission for <your submission> to be included on any Amiga Active cover CD. I have the right to grant this permission. No other copyrights would be infringed by such inclusion.

Telephone: <your contact number>
E-mail address: <your e-mail address>
Postal address: <your postal address>"