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Our current surveys are listed below. Please join our announcement mailing list to be informed of new surveys as and when they appear.

Mon 30 Jul
Reaction to AmiWest Announcements

Following recent announcements and discussions about an Amiga emulator running on x86 hardware (note: Amiga's announcement at AmiWest concerns a different product to the one mentioned in issue 23 of Amiga Active), we'd like to know what you - the users and developers within the Amiga community - make of it all. Note: Amiga hope to have official announcements on their web site within a few days.

Fri 06 Jul
Subscriptions - Have Your Say

Is a subscription to Amiga Active good value? Out of your price range? Would you like more options? This is your opportunity to have your say about subscriptions to the world's only remaining professional, mainstream English Amiga magazine. Take a look at our subscriptions survey!

Tue 27 Feb
Tutorials and Masterclasses

What topics would you like to see Amiga Active cover in its Masterclasses? What style of tutorial would you prefer to see inside the magazine? Please fill in this survey and let us know what you think! It's your magazine, after all!

Distribution of Amiga Active

We're always striving to increase our distribution to other parts of the world, and improve circulation in countries where we're already distributed - so if you can't get Amiga Active in your part of the world, please fill in this quick survey to let us know.