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Amiga Active - How Do YOU Read YOURS?

Being the only professional mainstream English Amiga mag has its drawbacks: namely, it's prohibitively expensive for many of our (would-be) readers to buy on a monthly basis, and even six month subscriptions can be out of reach for the impoverished student or cash-strapped house-husband.

If you already read Amiga Active, we'd like to know how you get hold of it, and how often. If you don't, we'd like to know why you don't and what we might be able to do so that you can.

So please take a couple of minutes to fill in this quick survey and help us to help you help yourselves to a helpful magazine like Amiga Helpful. Active, sorry.

About You

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Amiga Active is currently available via newsagents in the UK (including WH Smiths and independent stores), several worldwide distributors in other countries and on subscription to anywhere in the world.

Magsave CouponIf you're having trouble getting the magazine in your local newsagent, use the MagSave coupon printed on the Next Month page in every issue of the magazine. Or, as this wouldn't be possible if you've never been able to get hold of Amiga Active in the first place(!), here's a jpeg version that you can download, print out, fill in and hand in to your local store. Click on the thumbnail to load the image in your browser, or right-click to download it.

Handing your local newsagent a magsave coupon means they are obliged to order a copy of the magazine for you, so don't accept any excuses! If you still encounter problems, please let us know via phone or e-mail and we'll look into it.

Okay, now for a few questions...

First off, how often do you read Amiga Active?

I'm lazy. I'm not going to answer this question.
I've got a subscription.
I buy it every month.
I buy 6 or more issues per year.
I buy less than 6 issues per year.

What do you think about the cost of a subscription to Amiga Active?
Not sure what a subscription costs? Take a look!

I'm lazy. I'm not going to answer this question.
Great value... because:
Reasonable value.
Too expensive... because:

Would you subscribe (or be happier subscribing)...

...if we offered three-month subscriptions at roughly half the cost of six month subscriptions?
Don't know.
...if we offered a direct debit option which would take money from your bank account every four issues?
Don't know.

Subscriptions via Usergroups

Are you a member of an Amiga usergroup?
What would you say to the idea of subscribing via your local usergroup if you could save a little money in doing so?
Great idea
Not worth it

Any comments?

Finally, do you have any comments you wish to make about Amiga Active subscriptions?

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in this survey.

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