
Reaction to AmiWest 2001

Following recent announcements and discussions about an Amiga emulator running on x86 hardware (note: Amiga's announcement at AmiWest concerns a different product to the one mentioned in issue 23 of Amiga Active), we'd like to know what you - the users and developers within the Amiga community - make of it all.

Are Amiga doing the right thing? If so (or if not), why (or why not)? This is more than a yes/no poll - we want your honest opinions and feedback on the announcements. We hope to run an article on the news, announcements and discussions in our next issue, so make sure you can get hold of a copy of Amiga Active 24, due to go on sale Thursday August 30th!

If you don't want to use this form to give us your feedback, just put your thoughts in an email. We look forward to hearing your opinions!

Reaction to the AmiWest announcements...

My name:
My e-mail address:
I am, primarily, a: User
Company/Job Title:
Here's what I think about the recent announcements:

In short:

In your own personal opinion, is AmigaOS x86 a Good Thing or Bad Thing? Good thing
Bad thing
Following the announcements, how do you now feel about Amiga and the Amiga's future? Better / more positive
No different
Worse / more negative
Thanks! Click once: