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Get it!Instant HTML Programmer�s Reference

Note: Prices, where given, were correct when first published.
Author: Alex Homer, Chris Ullman & Steve Wright
Publisher: Wrox
Price: �18.49
ISBN: 1-861001-56-8

There�s not a lot to say about the Instant HTML Programmer�s reference, other than if you plan on spending any serious time building web pages, you should own it.

Over 400 pages cover everything from simple text layout to Javascript and Cascading Style Sheets to an extraordinary depth. Instant HTML maintains a good balance of clarity and depth - the degree of clarity is surprising given just how in-depth this book goes. It even contains an alphabetical reference to all the HTML tags, listing all the attributes available to each tag, and a table of platform compatibility so that you can see whether the code you are writing is likely to work in Netscape as it does in Voyager (not that Voyager is included, of course).

There is one major flaw with this book, and that is the poor accessibility of some of this information. The index is rather convoluted, and for something that is, after all, meant to be a reference volume, it can actually take a little while to refer to. However if it�s HTML 4.0 you are after, this is the definitive resource.

Originally reviewed in issue 6 by Andrew Korn.

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