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Issue 19 - April 2001
Published: Thursday March 29, 2001

Smell the burning rubber...

Digital Art.

Powered Up!
The latest on MorphOS.

The Eye-Surf.

Bitmap Bonus!
Paging Mr. Montgomery...

Regulars: News - Including, this month, an Alt.WoA show report! Rants & Raves - It’s the little things that are important, apparently. Active Gamer - Shooting the flying things on multiple platforms. Interactive - There’s somthing in the air. Is it the AmigaOne? Guru - All eyes on you. Online - Stay Secure online with the help of a cookie or two... The Back Page - Ye Gods! It's a new section for Amiga Active...

Reviews: MorphOS - Does the latest version of the PPC Amiga OS float like a butterfly? iFusion Preview - Yes, a preview of the long awaited PPC Mac Emulator from Microcode Solutions. Eye-Surf - Surf from your sofa, courtesy of the Eye-Surf set-top box. NextGen Watch - Amiga Active gets physical with Oxford based code maestros MathEngine. Shareware - Another trawl through the murky green ocean of freely available Amiga shareware. Active Media - CD-ROMs and web sites to get stuck into when you�ve finished with AA19! Payback - They burn rubber, shoot at you if you do the slightest thing to upset them and don�t stop for pedestrians. No, not the youths who hang around your local corner shop at midnight... the policemen in Payback!

Features: Digital Art - Digital photography is a tool of convenience, but that doesn�t mean you need to compromise on quality. Mini Masterclass - Scared of SCSI? Troubled by termination? Disillusioned about daisychaining? The first in a new series of Mini Masterclasses will put you straight. DrawStudio - To finish our DrawStudio Masterclass, we take a look at a few of the program�s more advanced features and show you what you can do with the images you�ve already created. Active ARexx - GoldED is the next program to get the Active ARexx treatment. In this installment, we show you how to copy text between documents with the click of a button, and assign commands to keyboard shortcuts, among other things!