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Issue 21 - June 2001
Published: Thursday May 31st, 2001

Groovy Software!
An overly-elaborate and exotic run-down of the top ten commercial Amiga titles of all time, as voted by you.

Stars in your eyes?
Digital Almamac 3 reviewed. Bearded prime-time television presenters not mentioned.

NextGen Watch goes on the beat with the boys in blue.

Fire the "Laser"
A bluffers guide to the future.

Regulars: News - What�s been happening with OS4.0 and AmigaOne? Rants & Raves - Digital devices and an unhappy shopper. Active Gamer - Where have all the games gone? We find out. Interactive - Making all the right moves but not talking any sense? Guru - The Guru�s word of the month: Transmogrification! Online - Cascading Style Sheets eloquently explained. The Back Page - We meant real people. You asked for...

Reviews: Digital Almanac 3 Stars in your eyes? The latest version of this astronomy package will only make it worse. SBase4 Pro The long running database software that time quite possibly forgot, this month is remembered and reviewed as it reaches version 4. But has it evolved enough to cut it in the 21st century? Next Gen Watch The Met on the net? A combination of bar codes and wireless radio to make way for the first Cyber Cop. Active Media Jumping off the top of a skyscraper with a fire-hose tied round your waist? Daleks walking up stairs? These are things which are clearly impossible. Right? Land of Genesis In the beginning, there were 2D platformers in which big guns featured prominently, like Turrican. Now, witness the resurrection of the humble polygon-free shoot-em-up with Land of Genesis. Run, jump, and blow things up. Rah!

Features: Top 10 - Shagadelic! It�s the Amiga Active Top Ten commercial Amiga titles of all time, baby! We tried to be sensible about it, but we just got totally hooked by the sixties vibe after watching Austin Powers. Free love! No, wait, free AmigaOnes! Bluffers� Guide - Know your OS4.2 features from your OS5 ones? Up to speed with the jargon thrust upon us by what we hope is going to be the new Amiga revolution? If not, you needn�t worry. We�ve got all you need to know right here. O.S 3.9 - Not a bad new operating system we have here... shame about the uninspiring colour scheme, really. Not to mention the lack of some truly useful utilities. Follow our Masterclass, however, and all that will change. Active ARexx - Scripting isn�t the most visually stimulating of subjects, but it needn�t be limited to lines of text. This month, we show you how to create a friendly GUI for your ARexx scripts.