
You'll get more than you bargained for at SEAL-O-RAMA 2000!

Compete in the games arcade and win valuable prizes!
We have a seperate games room complete with a video projector so everyone can see you win (or lose) on the big screen in:

  • Heretic II - Can you overcome a human opponent using magical weapons and spells in Hyperion's fantastic magical romp? Win a copy of the game! (Donated by Hyperion)
  • Wipeout 2097 - Race to get the best time in Digital Images' port of this classic 3D racer. Win a copy of the game! (Donated by Blittersoft)
  • Sensible Soccer. Win an A1200 and a 3.1GB hard drive. (Donated by Amiga and Analogic)
  • and some top secret releases!

Even if you're not interested in competing, there are loads of other ways to win!

You'll be able to be see demo's of the latest games including Payback and Bubble Heroes.

The expert SEAL pups (and possibly some special guests) will also be demontrating serious software, hardware and applications for your brains pleasure! including...

  • Pagestream 4
  • Photogenics 4.5
  • and more!

Analogic Special Offer

Analogic Computers are offering a free gift (no strings attached) to anyone who subscribes to our Clubbed magazine at SEAL-O-RAMA! In addition new subscribers will be able to claim discounts on other items at the Analogic stand.

Amiga® is a registered trademark of Amiga Inc. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

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