Title: Stereoworld (£30)
Hurts your eyes, but this stereogram generating package includes a couple
of simple "3D stereogram" games, which are certainly unusual!
Links: None
Supplier: 4th Dimension
Players: 1
Type: Stereogram games
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: ?
Title: Stunt Racer 2000 (£35)
Great fun to play, with lots of options including two-player split-screen
or link-up facility.
The latest version doesn't need Game On! to run on a Risc PC, but it can't
take advantage of its greater speed.
Links: None
Supplier: 4th Dimension
Players: 2
Type: Racing
Needs: 2MB OS 2: Yes OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On SA: StrongCache
Title: Stunt Racer 2000 Extra Tracks (£20)
17 extra tracks for Stunt Racer 2000. Requires the original
Links: None
Supplier: 4th Dimension
Players: 2
Type: Racing
Needs: 2MB OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On SA: ?
Title: Superior Golf
Links: None
Supplier: Superior Software Ltd.
Players: 1
Type: Golf
Needs: OS 2: Yes OS 3: ? RPC: ? SA: ?
Title: SWIV (£26)
Superb shoot'em'up which doesn't let off for one minute. Massive
explosions, excellent attention to detail, full-bodied sound and a huge
range of graphics make this the best shoot'em'up on the platform. Two player
simultaneous option is great fun.
Links: None
Supplier: Krisalis
Players: 2
Type: Shoot'em'up
Needs: OS 2: Yes OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On SA: No
Title: Talisman
If you want to play an arcade adventure then don't buy this.
Links: None
Supplier: Minerva
Players: 1
Type: Arcade adventure
Needs: OS 2: Yes OS 3: ? RPC: No SA: No
Title: Tanks (£25.95)
Rather simplistic fire-missiles-over-the-hill type game, but with
the added bonus of allowing lots of players and upgrades if you do well,
and also computer-controlled opponents. A good game for multi-players,
although a bit boring on your own I expect.
Links: Demo: Werewolf Software web pages
Supplier: Werewolf Software
Players: 12
Type: Missile aiming
Needs: 2MB OS 2: No OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: ?
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