Title: Time Machine (£26)
Like The WIMP Game, only without the bonus of originality.
Links: None
Supplier: 4th Dimension
Players: 1
Type: Point'n'click desktop adventure
Needs: 2MB OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: ? SA: StrongCache
Title: Tower of Babel
Will run on Risc PC only with fix from Alex Card's web site
Links: None
Supplier: Cygnus
Players: 1
Type: Puzzle
Needs: OS 2: Yes OS 3: ? RPC: Yes SA: Yes - see above for fix
Title: Twin World (£20)
Lovely graphics, brilliant music, great characterisation and fun
gameplay lead to one of the most enjoyable games available.
Will run on Risc PC with fix from Alex Card's web site,
or use the version on the March 1997 Acorn User coverdisc.
Links: None
Supplier: Cygnus
Players: 1
Type: Platform
Needs: OS 2: Yes OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: Yes - see above
Title: UIM
Elite-type submarine game that fails to come near to Elite's addictiveness
Links: None
Supplier: 4th Dimension
Players: 1
Type: Elite
Needs: 1MB OS 2: Yes OS 3: ? RPC: ? SA: No
Title: Virtual Golf (£35)
Good golf simulator, although redraw speed is a little on the slow side.
Requires you to have a perfect mouse, however! Risc PC version available.
Links: None
Supplier: 4th Dimension
Players: 1
Type: Golf
Needs: 2MB OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On 2 SA: Yes, but screen is corrupt
Title: Virtual Golf Augusta course
Links: None
Supplier: 4th Dimension
Players: 1
Type: Golf
Needs: 2MB OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On 2 SA: ?
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