BigSpeed Zipper Help Index
How to open a zip package?
How to extract (unpack) files from a zip package?
How to find files inside all zip packages?
How to compress (pack) files?
What to do in the main BigSpeed Zipper window?
What to do in the Zip Finder window?
What to do in the Zip Downloader window?
What to do in the Zip Taskmaster window?
How to register?
License agreement
How to open a zip package
1. In the left folder pane navigate through the folder tree until you see the needed zip package.
2. Double click on it.
Main Index
How to extract files?
Open a zip package as described here.
If you want to extract only part of the package, select the files you want to extract in the right pane.
If you want to extract to another folder, choose it in the left pane.
If you want to change some of the extraction options, open the "Options|Extraction" dialog box and
set the appropriate selections.
Click on the button with the left green arrow to start the extraction operation.
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How to find files?
If you are in the main window, click the Tools|Zip
Finder menu item.
In the Zip Finder window click the Find button.
In the resulting Find what dialog box set the appropriate options.
Click Find Now to start the search.
After the search is completed, the found files are listed in the Zip Finder window
Now you can do the following:
View a file: Select the desired file in the list of found files and click the View button.
Launch a file: Select the desired file in the list of found files and click Launch button.
Extract a file - Only if the file is located in Zip archive: Select the desired file in the list of found files
and click Extract button.
Open Zip archive containing the found file: Point to the desired file in the list of found files and right click.
Select Open Zip Container.
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How to compress (pack) files?
If you wish to compress files into existing package, first open zip file.
Browse the folders in the left pane and select the files you want to compress.
Set the compression options - optional.
Click on then button with the right red arrow to start the compression operation.
Main Index
Main window
This is the main window of the BigSpeed Zipper. Here you can browse the folder tree of your computer, handle a single zip package,
set options, get help or switch to Zip Finder, Zip Downloader ,
Zip Taskmaster.
This window consists of 2 panes. The left one shows the files on your computer, just like the Windows Explorer does.
And the right pane shows the contents of the opened zip package. When there isn't an open zip, you see several tips for quick reference.
The main menu gives you a full control to the BigSpeed Zipper. Available commands are :
Submenu File
File|Open - open the currently selected file. If this file is a zip package, you will see its content in the right pane.
If it is not a zip file, it will be open in the associated program. This command is applicable only when exactly one file is selected in
the left pane.
File|Compress - compress the curently selected files. If there is an open zip package already, the files will be packed to
that zip, otherwise you will be prompted for the name for a new zip file.
File|Last zip packages - list the last used zip files to reopen
File|Exit - exit from BigSpeed Zipper
Submenu Zip
The items in this submenu are enabled only when there is an open Zip package.
Zip|Extract all files - extract all files from the opened zip package to the current folder in the left pane
Zip|Extract selected files - extract only the selected files from the opened zip package to the current folder in the left pane
Zip|Launch selected file - execute or open the currently selected file in the opened zip package
Zip|Delete selected files - remove the selected files from the opened zip package
Zip|View comment - view the comment stored in the zip file, if any
Zip|Close - Close the opened zip package
Zip|Synchronize with folder - keep the various copies of your files, compressed in zip and uncompressed in folder, up to date.
Zip|Create Self Extracting Package - convert the opened zip package to executable (.EXE) file
Submenu Tools
Tools|Zip Finder - activate the zip searching tool
Tools|Zip Downloader - activate the zip downloading tool
Tools|Upload file to FTP - use FTP protocol to upload a file to FTP server
Tools|E-Mail file via SMTP - use SMTP server to send a file to email
Tools|Split file - Split a file into smaller files
Tools|Join files - Join several split files to the original file
Tools|Repair zip package - restore the structure of a damaged zip package
Submenu Options
Options|General - activate a dialog for common options
Options|Extraction - show a dialog with options related to extraction operations
Options|Compression - show a dialog with options related to compression operations
Options|Associate with zip files - points to the Windows that the zip files must be opened by BigSpeed Zipper
Submenu Help
Help|Contents - show the main help index
Help|Personalize - enter here your name to make this copy of BigSpeed Zipper personal to you
Help|Ordering Information - learn how you can order the registered version of BigSpeed Zipper
Help|License agreement - show the license agreement
Help|BigSpeedSoft Home Page - point your web browser to the net home of BigSpeedSoft
Help|About - show the version of the program and the status of registration
Main Index
Zip Finder
This tool lets you search, view and extract files from all zip packages on your computer.
The whole control is driven by these buttons:
Find - activate the find options dialog for starting the search
Extract - extract the currently selected file in the list
Launch - launch the currently selected file in the list
View - list the contents of currently selected file in the list
Help - show help information
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Zip Downloader
This tool lets you download zip packages (or other types of files) from web and ftp sites.
The whole control is driven by these buttons:
Download - activate the URL dialog for starting the download
Stop - interrupt the current download session
Explore - opens the downloaded zip package in a new BigSpeed Zipper instance
Extract - extract the currently selected file in the list
Launch - launch the currently selected file in the list
View - list the contents of currently selected file in the list
Help - show help information
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Zip Taskmaster
This tool lets you manage a list of predefined backup and compression tasks for easy multiple use.
The whole control is driven by these buttons:
Launch - run the selected task
New - create new task and add it to the list
Edit - edit the selected task
Delete - remove the selected task from the list
Shortcut - create a shortcut on the desktop to the selected task
Help - show help information
Main Index
Extraction options dialog
The Overwrite Existing Files check box determines whether the existing files will be overwritten by files from the archive.
If Skip Older Files check box is checked, files with newer date/time on the disk will not be overwritten.
The Use Folder Names check box determines whether folder names stored in the archive will be used. You will probably want
to check this option for most extract operations. If this option is checked, any folder names stored in the archive will be appended
to the destination folder, which is the current folder in the left pane. If this option is not checked, all files will be extracted
to the target folder, regardless of the folder tree in the archive.
To see this dialog at any unzipping, check the Show this dialog before any extraction operation
Main Index
Compression options dialog
In this dialog you can set various options affected the compression operations.
In the Update Mode group you have 3 choices:
Add files - all selected files will be added to the zip package, regardless if they already exist there.
Freshen files - only these of selected files will be added, which have older copies in the archive.
Update files - the compression operation will add these of selected files, which are new for the package or have older copy inside.
In Compression method group, you can set the level of compression:
Stored-no compression - there is no compression, files are stored in their original size.
Fast compression - lowest level of compression at highest speed is applied.
Normal compression - middle level of compression at middle speed is applied.
Max compression - highest level of compression at lowest speed is applied.
In Password field type the password to be used if you wish files to be encrypted.
If Hide check box is checked, the password characters will be masked with '*' character.
- If you check the check box Reset Archive Attribute, the archive attribute of the files which have been added
to the zip contents will be turned off.
In Multiple volume spanning group you have 3 choices:
No spanning - spanning is not allowed. This is the only choice when files are added to an existing zip package.
Automatic - automatically prompt for another diskette when the diskette on which you are creating a Zip file is full.
Custom size - create multiple volume zip archive with predefined volume size.
The Volume size field settles the maximum size of the volume for the above option.
In the Comment field enter the text of the comment to be stored in the zip file.
To see this dialog at any zipping, check the Show this dialog before any compression operation.
Main Index
Find options dialog
In Named field, type all or part of the file's name, for example: *.txt
In Containing Text field, type the text you will be searching for, for example: my document
In Start Folder/Zip field type the folder or zip archive where to start the search, or select it using buttons Select Folder
and Select Zip.
If you want to search recursively in subfolders, check Include Subfolders.
If you want the search to be case sensitive, check Case sensitive.
If .exe files must be tested for self-extracting zip format, check Check .exe files for SFX Zip format.
In Search in select a radio button to specify where the search will be done: only in zip archives, only in folders or both.
In Show found text type the number of occurrences, which will be searched for.
If you want to limit the number of searched files by date, select Between in Date group and type first and last date.
If you want to limit the number of searched files by size, select At least or At most in Size group and specify size.
Main Index
Historically file compression was introduced to make back up copies of existing folders and files and that is why they were
called ARCHIVES.
Nowadays, via Internet, enormous amounts of files are transferred packed in zip files. That is why we refer to zip files as zip
packages in most cases instead of archives.
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