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OpenOtto Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
llc_serial_privPrivate driver data
otto_busOtto data link bus interface
otto_control_dataControl data parameters
otto_deviceOBD2 data link device
otto_driverOBD2 physical interface device driver
otto_dtcEncoded DTC
otto_funcadr_dataFunctional addressing message data
otto_funcadr_ext_adrFunctional data format 3, extended address
otto_funcadr_message_entryFunctional message table entry
otto_funcadr_sec_adrFunctional data format 2 and 3, secondary address
otto_iso_packetISO bus communication messages
otto_llc_formatLLC format definition
otto_llc_pulseData link device kernel interface data word
otto_llc_timingTiming table entry for LLC decode
otto_packetOBD2 Packet format
otto_parameter_valueDecoded parameter
otto_phyadr_dataPhysical addressed message data
otto_prnPRN structure
otto_prn_table_entryPRN table entry
otto_slotSLOT definition
otto_slot_bmm_table_entryBMM SLOT type
otto_slot_bmp_table_entryBMP SLOT type
otto_slot_pkt_table_entryPKT SLOT type
otto_slot_sed_table_entrySED SLOT type
otto_slot_snm_table_entrySNM SLOT type
otto_slot_unm_table_entryUNM SLOT type
otto_vinEncoded VIN fields
otto_vin_decodedDecoded VIN information
uart_serial_privDriver specific private data for open driver

Generated on Thu Jul 8 19:26:07 2004 for OpenOtto by doxygen 1.3.7