Look below for trials or full versions of some of the software mentioned within this month's magazine. Follow the links to get more information.

If you have problems running installations from the CD, copy the program's folder and files from the CD to your hard disk and run the installation from there. See Help.

From the Flash tutorials...

    Here are examples from the magazine feature – you will also find the raw flash files on the CD (you will need the Flash player installed to see these examples, and the Flash 3 builder to open the original FLA files – more info for Mac and Windows...):

    Barchart – flash\barchart.swf

    My name – flash\myname.swf

Hot Downloads

  • Applet Widget Kit (W9x)
    (software\windows\building\applet widget kit)

  • Browsola (W9x)

  • Eyedropper (W9x)

  • WbPainter (Mac / Win)

  • WinAmp MPEG player (W9x/NT)

  • Nendo (W9x/NT)

  • WhoIsNot (W9x/NT)

  • NetCalendar (W9x)

  • Yonc (W9x/NT)

Web design

    We have more than 50 applications and tools on this month's CD that will let you try out just about every Web design possibility. Most of these are on the Web Editors page (the web editors folder for Mac, building folder for Windows), but also look in Multimedia and Graphic Tools for Web-specific tools, as well as Utilities for some extra little helpers.

    On the Web Editors page you will also find several online shopping or e-commerce tools.

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