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To Ark PandoraArkanoidTo Auf Monty

CD Clip (0:31)
Full length preview MPEG from "Back in Time +"

The CD version of this tune would have been incomplete without Galway's digi-percussion, so in it went. As part of the ongoing "Back in Time +" project, we've made available the first track: industrial Arkanoid! It's full length. Enjoy!

Chris Abbott

"This tune has a special place in C64 history as being the first ever tune to appear in a game that had music with samples. Of course, sampling was a fine art, and even though technically this tune does not have the best samples ever for the drums, its loud powerhouse presence suits this rousing title theme well."

"As arcade games usually had no title tune at all, it gave Galway some free will to construct something. And how! The volumic bass presence coupled with the quite ethereal in places main voices, and the even louder drums brought everyone to attention. I can remember staring at this screen in a computer shop and dropping my jaw on hearing this tune. Still not convinced? Zzap! 64 gave it 96% and called it 'awesome'... "

Warren Pilkington