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Mark Cooksey

Although the below text is funny, we've now found Mark Cooksey, and he's still doing Computer music!

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<Mark has contributed his "Ghosts and Goblins" track to Back in Time 2, and is
currently working on an album of original themes and SID covers>


Little is known of Mark Cooksey.

After joining Elite Software in 1900, Mark soon realised that he would have to go into suspended animation until 1983 before he could write any decent computer music. His first experience on waking was hearing the theme from "Bionic Granny", so he went back into suspended animation for a bit.

On waking again, he heard "Monty on the Run", and realised his time had come. Quickly grabbing his synthesiser, he composed the music to Bombjack. Soon, someone pointed out that because he had been in suspended animation, he had missed "Magnetic Fields", and had accidentally copied it!

Trying again, Mark came up with "Ghosts and Goblins". Rockets flew, stars shone, and reviewers went crazy. (They listened to the music and liked that as well).

After hearing Ghouls and Ghosts, Mark realised that suspended animation would be a good idea again. He is due to wake up in 2010, to shock the world once again.

Of course, the above is complete crap. But it fills space, doesn't it?</joke>

Chris Abbott

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