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CD Clips MP3/RA Title Theme (Non CD version) Delta 96 (Conz mix) Ingame Theme |
Withdrawn, 'cos I can't stand it no more |
Rob surprised me with his contributions to this CD track: he doubled the
hi-hat frequency from my original MIDI, and improved the drums to give a sense of
progression. I always think it's reminiscent of "Chronology" by JMJ.
Chris Abbott
"Every time I think of this game, I think of two things: the rather marvellous mix-e-load, where you could change the bass, drum, voice and fx parts and then Zzap 64's review, with Gary Penn giving it a real slagging off whilst Julian Rignall and Steve Jarratt loved it. One thing that got your attention in the game was the title screen tune, a fast rythmic burst of Rob Hubbard that just seemed to fit in perfectly with the freneticism of the game, and the attractive demo mode showing you what to do. A complete contrast to the brooding epic in-game theme as well..."
"Thirty two difficult levels. Weapons that go any time. Rock hard
rocks. Yes, Delta was a darned tough game. But complete it, and you are well rewarded with
this sweeping, lulling Hubbard tune that in my view at least is vastly underrated. It has
that certain something that makes you want to go "YES! I have clocked this game....
YES!" with a punched fist in the air and the joystick slammed down in trimuphant
defiance, then ring your friend saying "I've clocked Delta" and feel adequately
satisfied for doing so. Well, until you realise that level 1 has just restarted, anyway...
don't you hate it when that happens?"
Warren Pilkington
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