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The game that put C64 music on the map. A simple little ditty, but once you heard that Zipping sound, you were hooked. Published in 1985 by Gremlin Graphics, this was a very sadistic game, since it was all too easy to find yourself in inescapable situations. Rob Hubbard worked his miracles again: and this was his big break, thanks to Gremlin!
The CD clip is markedly different, and much more authentic and
"fun" than the MIDI version, which has been around for a while now, and which
was one of my earlier arrangements (I've withdrawn it now, 'cos it sounded disappointing).
Download it, then buy the CD. Now. I'm not joking. Really. BTW: did you like
Thing's new red nose in "Thing Bounces Back"? No, me neither.
Chris Abbott
People told Thingy he was living in the past
but he knew he was living in the present...
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