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To Be on TopUsagi YojimboTo Warhawk

by Neil Brennan


Title Theme AWE (23k)
Title Theme XG (23k)
mp3SMALL.gif (2747 bytes)
Title Theme

OK, I admit it. Making the bunny commit suicide by killing the peasant at the beginning of the game wasn't very nice. But it as fun! A beautiful, playable game, that actually makes you think about who to kill and who not to kill. All that, and a storyline too. I really do like Melbourne House's works: the tunes are just... well... nice. Apparently Neil Brennan used to moonlight playing piano in bars in the evening...!

This MIDI version of mine is very simple. Well, something has to be around here...!
Chris Abbott

The peasant had no idea that a psychopath was playing...



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