EITO '97 - The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Market in Europe
- Introduction
- IT and ICT Market Size
- IT and ICT Market and Current Economic Situation in Europe
- Europe as a Consumption Area: Business and Home
- Europe as a Production Area
- Trade: EU and Other Worldwide Areas
- Eastern Europe
- The IT Market Driving Forces
- Introduction
- The Consumer Upside for IT
- Internet's Impact on: Consumer Market, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises,
Corporate Computing
- New Technologies for the Wired Marketplace
- The New Business Model Requirements for the IT Industry
- The Telecommunications Market Driving Forces
- New Technologies and Actual Needs
- Internet's Impact on Public Networks
- Liberalisation Process: Where Are We?
- New Business Models for the Telecommunications Industry
- From Wired to Wireless
- Main Market Orientations
- The "New Players" Perspective
- Who is Funding the Shift
- IT and Telecommunications Market Short Term Perspectives
- Changing the Vision for the "Wired" ICT Market Development
- Short Term Influences on Growth
- Short Term Evolution
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Stand Juni 1997. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.