CeBIT '98: Die Entwicklung der CeBIT
The development of CeBIT / Le développement du CeBIT
Jahr Year Année | Anzahl der Aussteller Number of exhibitors Nombre d'exposants | Netto Ausstellungsfläche in m2 Net. exhibition space in m2 Surface d'exposition nette m2 | Anzahl der Besucher Number of visitors Nombre de visiteurs |
Inland German Allemagne | Ausland Foreign Etranger | Gesamt Total |
Inland German Allemagne | Ausland Foreign Etranger | Gesamt Total |
Inland German Allemagne | Ausland Foreign Etranger | Gesamt Total |
1970 | 508 | 130 | 638 | 49.455 | 5.880 | 55.335 | 55.400 | 5.500 | 60.900 |
1971 | 542 | 130 | 672 | 49.337 | 5.920 | 55.257 | 37.200 | 5.000 | 42.200 |
1972 | 551 | 132 | 683 | 50.093 | 6.223 | 56.316 | 90.000 | 9.600 | 99.600 |
1973 | 557 | 132 | 689 | 50.565 | 6.356 | 56.921 | 96.100 | 12.800 | 108.900 |
1974 | 654 | 136 | 790 | 55.687 | 7.104 | 62.791 | 86.600 | 19.900 | 106.500 |
1975 | 491 | 140 | 631 | 52.506 | 7.478 | 59.984 | 88.400 | 13.600 | 102.000 |
1976 | 502 | 143 | 645 | 55.464 | 7.550 | 63.014 | 90.500 | 21.800 | 112.300 |
1977 | 531 | 156 | 687 | 56.828 | 7.841 | 64.669 | 135.100 | 23.900 | 159.000 |
1978 | 563 | 159 | 722 | 67.935 | 7.685 | 75.620 | 116.200 | 15.800 | 132.000 |
1979 | 667 | 189 | 856 | 78.179 | 11.784 | 89.933 | 123.900 | 20.200 | 144.100 |
1980 | 685 | 205 | 890 | 82.432 | 13.804 | 96.236 | 154.700 | 29.500 | 184.200 |
1981 | 683 | 229 | 912 | 87.253 | 13.576 | 100.829 | 142.000 | 27.000 | 169.000 |
1982 | 689 | 293 | 982 | 96.045 | 18.329 | 114.374 | 165.900 | 36.400 | 202.300 |
1983 | 697 | 344 | 1.041 | 97.760 | 19.270 | 117.030 | 200.900 | 47.100 | 248.000 |
1984 | 821 | 391 | 1.212 | 108.074 | 20.718 | 128.792 | 237.800 | 52.200 | 290.000 |
1985 | 934 | 374 | 1.308 | 111.784 | 18.920 | 130.704 | 243.200 | 49.800 | 293.000 |
1986 | 1.462 | 680 | 2.142 | 169.084 | 33.801 | 202.885 | 271.392 | 63.035 | 334.427 |
1987 | 1.467 | 781 | 2.248 | 168.926 | 36.752 | 205.678 | 336.992 | 69.482 | 406.474 |
1988 | 1.750 | 981 | 2.731 | 179.238 | 38.850 | 218.088 | 387.879 | 98.002 | 485.881 |
1989 | 2.026 | 1.188 | 3.214 | 188.326 | 42.831 | 231.157 | 413.660 | 97.491 | 511.151 |
1990 | 2.557 | 1.576 | 4.133 | 214.742 | 49.289 | 264.031 | 480.104 | 80.956 | 561.060 |
1991 | 2.863 | 1.751 | 4.614 | 225.750 | 55.505 | 281.255 | 487.723 | 90.833 | 578.556 |
1992 | 3.357 | 2.045 | 5.402 | 247.388 | 59.183 | 306.571 | 557.309 | 91.596 | 648.905 |
1993 | 3.562 | 2.190 | 5.752 | 249.089 | 60.614 | 309.703 | 558.411 | 102.273 | 660.684 |
1994 | 3.567 | 2.278 | 5.845 | 242.149 | 64.408 | 306.557 | 576.738 | 105.811 | 682.549 |
1995 | 3.669 | 2.442 | 6.111 | 251.901 | 65.774 | 317.675 | 653.939 | 101.387 | 755.326 |
1996* | 3.957 | 2.592 | 6.549 | 261.784 | 76.282 | 338.066 | 518.181 | 88.759 | 606.940 |
1997 | 4.250 | 2.659 | 6.909 | 271.923 | 80.650 | 352.573 | 506.090 | 100.072 | 606.162 |
*1996 = Umsetzung des Professionalisierungs-Konzeptes
*1996 = Realisation of the professionalizing conzept
*1996 = Realisation de la conception de la professionalisation
Stand/as of: 10.04.1997
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Stand Juni 1997. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.