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INTERHOSPITAL '97: Partnerlinks

You want to know whether an exhibitor at INTERHOSPITAL '97 has its own homepage?

You want to know, where this exhibitor is located at INTERHOSPITAL '97 ?

Just search it!

Use the textbox or the alphabetical list to inform yourself about URL and position of exhibitors at INTERHOSPITAL '97.

You may use wildcards (*,?,[]) with your search:

  • *:  any number of characters
    example: "*m*" shows all entries containing the character "m" ("Sie-m-ens, Teleko-m", ...)
  • ?:  any character
    example: "Teleko?" matches all entries containing the characters "Teleko" plus one other character (Telekom, Telekor, Teleko3, ...)
  • []:  any classes of characters
    example: "Int[er][ra]net" matches all entries with the words "Internet", "Intranet", "Inteanet" or "Intrrnet"

Search for company (*,?,[]):

#- A- B- C- D- E- F- G- H- I- J- K- L- M- N- O- P- Q- R- S- T- U- V- W- X- Y- Z

You may search for the exhibitor Baumann Verlag to try this new service on our INTERHOSPITAL '97 server.
There are three different search options:

  • enter the letter "B" or the word "Baum" into the textbox Search for company and hit ENTER
  • click on the letter "B" in the alphabetical list

You receive an alphabetically ordered list of exhibitors that match your search string.
You can then go directly to the exhibitor's homepage, if the URL is shown in the list

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Trade Fairs 1997-99 ] [ DEUTSCHE MESSE AG ]

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Valid as June 1997. No liability can be assumed for any errors in the information provided.
