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  • 3-State Button: The appearance of any button can change according to three states: normal, mouseover/hovered, and pushed.
  • Sound: Buttons can make noises in response to your mouse movements.
  • Animation: Buttons can change colors and be moved around.
  • Trigger: Click on buttons to open web pages, communicate with other applets, or with the Java 1.1 version, you can display menus.
  • Customize: You can feed any static image you wish, even transparent GIFs. You can adjust opacities, colors, and the fonts of labels and menus.



The Java 1.0.2 version should be supported by all the Java-enabled browsers. As far as I know for the Windows platform, Java 1.1 is supported by Netscape Navigator 4.06 and Internet Explorer 4.0 and higher versions. Check your JVM.

Example 1 1.0.2 1.1
Example 2 1.0.2 1.1
Example 3 1.0.2 1.1
Example 4 1.0.2 1.1
Example 5 1.0.2 1.1



How are you using this applet? I want to see it. Give me your URL.


This applet is available for FREE. The following files are required for the Java 1.0.2 platform: PushIt.class, PushButton.class, ImageButton.class, ButtonImageSource.class, and ButtonListener.class. For the Java 1.1 platform, the file is PushIt.jar. The following zip file includes all the necessary code and the documents.

PushIt! v1.2 (22 August 1999)



This applet gets updated occasionally. Give me your email address if you want to be notified of any changes. Your e-mail will not be disclosed.


Release Notes


Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
Give them to me here, or e-mail me at

This page was last updated by Uldarico Muico on August 22, 1999.