File New: This command lets you define a new imagemap. Open: Opens an existing imagemap from disk. Save: Saves to disk the imagemap you are working on. Save As: Saves to disk the imagemap you are working on with a different name. Exit: Exits the application.
Move & Resize: By choosing this command you can select, move or resize any existing Hotspot. Rectangle: By choosing this command you can use your mouse to create a new Rectanglular Hotspot Oval: By choosing this command you can use your mouse to create a new Oval Hotspot Polygon: By choosing this command you can use your mouse to create a new Polygonal Hotspot Delete: This command deletes the currently selected Hotspot. Properties: This command shows up the Properties dialog box for the selected Hotspot. In this dialog box you define what should happen when the mouse passes over the hotspot, when the user clicks the Hotspot and when the user releases the mouse. More on this topic at the Properties Dialog Box Page.
Background Image: By choosing this command you can select the image that will be the background of your map. Set Browser Location: Lets you define the browser you want to use to test the imagemap and to view the help pages. Test Imagemap: Launches the browser and loads the imagemap you are working on for testing. Generate HTML: This command generates the HTML needed to define the imagemap. You can choose either to copy this HTML to your clipboard or to save it as an HTML file.
Help Contents: Displays these help pages. Register: This command pops up a window that will help you register the Designer to be able to use it over the Internet. If you want to register online visit the Registration Page. About: Displays the About Dialog Box.