Abakt - A Backup Tool
Free backup software, providing commandline options and advanced filtering.
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Known Issues, ToDo & Suggestions
Known Issues (& Bugs)
There appears to be a problem when executing 7-Zip Actions using 7z.exe to create a .zip file.
- Details:
If Source directories are on an FAT32 partition, 7z.exe does nothing. It works fine on NTFS.
This problem does not occur if you run the same commandline from a console, so there must be something wrong in Abakt's code. See TActionSevenZip::Call7ZipExe(). I would appreciate some more information on this matter: please mail me your story.
Note: I am not responsible for 7-Zip. Visit: http://www.7-zip.org/.
Abakt does not always deal properly with non-ASCII characters in filenames and directories.
This is an important issue that is difficult to deal with. In the future, I hope to make Abakt more 'international'.
Zip-files created by Abakt conform to the PKZIP standard.
This means that zip-files larger than 4GB are not supported, and files stored in a zip-file should not exceed a filesize of 4GB.
If you want to create large backups, you could try 7-Zip.
While Updating existing backups the progress indicator sometimes displays values above 100%.
This is not an error, it could be a little bit confusing though. It is caused by ZipForge's internal 'progress' indicator.
- Situation: Two source directories originally located on different disks which share the same name are included in a backup (.zip file).
- Problem: Identical filenames in these directories will be overwritten while unzipping this backup (the disk-part is not stored in the .zip file).

I'm not sure if this is a bug. It's not the intention of Abakt to make identical copies of (part of) your system: there are other tools for that. You could use this 'feature' to mix the contents of the two source directories. But then: should I provide an option like: 'Overwrite if newer'?


The following list is far from complete. I maintain another (private) list that contains around 100+ items...
The issues below are mentioned on this site because:
- It could save you some time: informing me of an issue I already know about is not really necessary.
- I would like to receive some comments.

Accept more commandline arguments. Ideas are welcome.
Better interfaces for other compression tools besides PKZIP. (Like 7-Zip, tar.gz, bzip2 etc.)
Add more filter-options (like a filetime-filter).
Add an option to set the Destination to an ftp address.
(Low priority: There are excellent free ftp applications out there. I recommend FileZilla.)
Add a commandline option to restore backups. (Low priority: You can use whatever (commandline) zip-compatible software you like to unzip.)
Add a Job Scheduler. (Low priority: you can use the Windows scheduler using Abakt's commandline arguments, or any other scheduling-tool that forwards commandline arguments.)
Report bugs and suggestions

If you've found a bug or if you have a request for a feature please let me know:
-- See the application (Help/About) or LICENSE.TXT (in the source) for an e-mail address. Not mentioned here to avoid spam.

Please provide any extra information you think is important for me to understand the problem, i.e.:
- The version of Abakt you're using;
- A copy of the Profile (.abp file) that does not work as you expected;
- Your operating system specifications;
- ...etc.