Road Circuit 1, 2, 3 & 1B

Below are the laptimes acheived by each racer on the Road Circuit Tracks.

* = Improved time by player in this update

Road Circuit 1

    Player                    Time        Points
    ------                    ----        ------
    Oystein Gasdal            15:16       20   
    David Flaherty            15:44       18
 *  Adrian Henchliffe         16:38       16
    Paul Copsey               16:68       14
    Silltunna Software        16:88       12
    David Bloomfield          16:38       10
    Paul French               17:02       8
    Sabastian Jedrus'icz      17:10       6

Road Circuit 2

    Player                    Time        Points
    ------                    ----        ------
    Oystein Gasdal            18:12       20
    David Flaherty            18:54       18
    Adrian Henchliffe         18:70       16
    David Bloomfield          20:04       14
    Silltunna Software        20:64       12
    Paul French               21:02       10
    Paul Copsey               22:06       8
    Sabastian Jedrus'icz      22:72       6

Road Circuit 3

    Player                    Time        Points
    ------                    ----        ------
    David Flaherty            19:02       20
    Oystein Gasdal            19:14       18
 *  Adrian Henchliffe         20:54       16   
    Paul French               20:72       14
    Paul Copsey               21:20       12  
    David Bloomfield          21:54       10
    Sabastian Jedrus'icz      21:74       8
    Silltunna Software        22:10       6

Road Circuit 1B

    Player                    Time        Points
    ------                    ----        ------
    Oystein Gasdal            23:16       20
    David Flaherty            24:78       18
    Adrian Henchliffe         25:24       16
    David Bloomfield          25:96       14
    Silltunna Software        26:24       12
    Paul French               28:98       10
    Paul Copsey               *****       *
    Sabastian Jedrus'icz      *****       *