Using multiple instances of Clip Gallery

You can open more than one instance of Clip Gallery in order to organize your clips. For instance, you may want to open Lost & Found in a separate window and sort out the contents into various categories. You can open Lost & Found in a new window and size and locate both windows on your screen, so you can see them both at the same time. Then drag clips from Lost & Found and drop them into the categories you want them to be in.

To open multiple instances of Clip Gallery

  1. Select the All Categories icon. From the All Categories page, right-click the category you want opened, and click Open in New Window.
  2. Size the window by clicking the sizing handle at the lower-right corner of that instance and dragging it to make the window smaller.
  3. Move that instance to where you want it by clicking the title bar and dragging the window.
  4. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 to open additional instances if you want more categories open at the same time.


See also:
Using drag-and-drop
Stand-alone mode