Clip properties
Clip properties are information about a clip that describes and identifies each clip. You can see this information by selecting a clip using the right mouse button and then clicking Clip Properties. Information such as description, category, and keywords can be modified. Property information is stored in the Clip Gallery catalog.
Property | What it describes |
Description | A short description of the clip that is searchable and also appears as a ToolTip on the clip icon |
Name | The name of the clip file including a file name extension |
Type | The type of file based on the file name extension |
Size | The file size in bytes |
Dimensions | The dimensions of a picture or motion clip in pixels (some clips, such as .wmfs, do not show dimensions) |
Duration | The length of time a sound or motion clip will take to play |
File Path | Shows the location of the clip (click Refresh to see this) |
Catalog Path | Shows the location of the clip catalog containing information about the clip |
Categories | Shows the categories assigned to this clip |
Keywords | Shows the keywords assigned to this clip |
Thumbnail | A thumbnail-sized preview of a picture clip or an icon for a sound or motion clip |
Preview | Shows a large preview of the current clip if it is a picture |
Play | Plays the current clip if it is a sound or motion clip |
Refresh | Refreshes the file path field, thumbnail, and other clip properties |