bar graph

3D Pie Chart Documentation

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Data and Configuration

Both the Applet and Servlet versions of the Pie Chart provide several methods of acquiring the Configuration properties and the graph Data. The following pages are designed to give you a good understanding of each method.


Setting the Graph Properties (Look and Feel).

Retrieving Configuration Data from files
Describes how to construct a configuration file for either the applet or servlet.


Acquiring the Graph Data

Retrieving data from files.
Describes how to construct a file which supplies the data to either the applet or servlet.

Connecting the Graph to a Server Process.
Having the Bar Graph acquire data from a server side process gives enormous flexibility and range of possibilities for implementation.

Connecting the Graph to a database
By utilizing a server side process the Pie Chart can be connected to either a single database or multiple datasources.



Multi Language Support
Utilising International Character Sets


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