Introduction · Sample Program Code · Button Styles
Setting Button Colors · Events · Property Listing
A checkbox is a labelled toggle button. A group of these toggle buttons that function together form a checkbox group. A checkbox can send an action event after it is pushed, just like any other button, or a program can check on the state of the buttons when the user commits a separate action, such as pressing a "Submit" button. Checkboxes provide the user with a range of options that can either be additive (checkboxes) or mutually exclusive (radio buttons). Checkboxes are used to present multiple options to a user, while radio buttons only let the use a single choice from a list of choices.
In the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), individual checkbox components are laid out within a panel, and their behavior controlled by the AWT CheckboxGroup. CheckboxGroup is neither a component nor a container; it is essentially a helper object that tracks and coordinates the function of individual Checkbox objects. The CheckboxGroup class does not allow direct access to the checkboxes it manages. This makes the task of manipulating checkbox groups awkward. Using AWT checkbox components it is not possible to produce any form of checkbox type other than those displaying radio button behavior, which severely restricts their usefulness.
JCCheckbox and JCCheckboxGroup provides the programmer with the tools necessary to create a wide variety of checkbox styles, and the means to easily control and read their values. Individual JCCheckbox components present a checkbox with an accompanying label, whose values are controlled by JCCheckboxGroup. The JCCheckbox group is a container that can set the state of the checkboxes it contains, and can easily pass that state on to the rest of the program. If a group's RadioBehavior is set to true, buttons added to the group will appear as radio buttons.
Individual checkboxes and radio buttons can appear disabled and their appearance "grayed-out". They can also represent multiple states in addition to "on" an "off"; this "mixed-value" state represents an option that is currently unavailable but becomes active under different circumstances. The mixed-value state is displayed as a stippled checkbox or radio button.
JCCheckbox behaves in the following manner:
JCCheckboxGroup is displayed in the following manner:
When a JCCheckbox has focus, hitting the SPACE BAR key will select a previously unselected checkbox, or unselect a previously selected checkbox. Radio buttons work in a similar manner, but will not unselect a previously selected radio button. The UP and DOWN cursor keys move the focus of a radio button/checkbox in the direction of the cursor key.
JCCheckboxGroup is subclassed from JCGroupBox, therefore any component can be added to it. To specify that a radioButton checkbox which is not a direct child of a checkBox group be controlled by it, call the button's setGroup() method.
The following code display two separate checkbox groups displaying a series of radio buttons and checkboxes respectively. This program illustrates the most common use of JCCheckbox: listing a variety of choices, one or more of which can be selected.
package jclass.bwt.examples; import jclass.bwt.BWTEnum; import jclass.bwt.JCButtonEvent; import jclass.bwt.JCButtonListener; import jclass.bwt.JCCheckbox; import jclass.bwt.JCCheckboxGroup; import jclass.contrib.ContribFrame; import jclass.util.JCString; import jclass.util.JCUtilConverter; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import jclass.bwt.JCItemEvent; import jclass.bwt.JCItemListener; /** * This example demonstrates various types of JCCheckboxes and their * use within a JCCheckboxGroup. */ public class checkboxes extends Applet implements JCItemListener { static String radio_labels[] = { "Read-only", "Read and write", "Depends on password" }; static String checkbox_labels[] = { "Invert text files", "Create GIF files", "Auto Center", "Prompt for Destination" }; static String rotation_files[] = { "../images/rotate000.gif", "../images/rotate270.gif", "../images/rotate180.gif", "../images/rotate090.gif", }; static Image rotation_images[] = new Image[4]; static String rotation_labels[] = { "North", "East", "South", "West" }; static String style_labels[] = { "Fill", "Check", "Circle", "Cross", "Diamond", }; static int style_indicators[] = { BWTEnum.INDICATOR_FILL, BWTEnum.INDICATOR_CHECK, BWTEnum.INDICATOR_CIRCLE, BWTEnum.INDICATOR_CROSS, BWTEnum.INDICATOR_DIAMOND, }; static Image secure_images[] = new Image[2]; static String secure_image_files[] = { "../images/check16.gif", "../images/x16.gif", }; JCCheckbox image_button; /* ItemListener method * Changes button's image to match state */ public void itemStateChanged(JCItemEvent ev) { if (ev.getSource() == image_button) image_button.setLabel(rotation_labels[image_button.getState()]); } public void init() { setBackground(Color.lightGray); JCCheckboxGroup radios = JCCheckbox.makeGroup(radio_labels, null, true); radios.setTitle("Radio Buttons"); add(radios); JCCheckboxGroup checks = JCCheckbox.makeGroup(checkbox_labels, null, false); checks.setTitle("Check Boxes"); add(checks); JCCheckbox box1 = checks.getCheckbox(2); box1.setState(1); JCCheckbox box2 = checks.getCheckbox(3); box2.setState(1); /* * Image selector */ JCCheckboxGroup imagebox = new JCCheckboxGroup("Images"); imagebox.setRadioBehavior(false); JCCheckbox secure_button = new JCCheckbox("Secure", 0, imagebox); for (int i=0; i < secure_images.length; i++) secure_images[i] = CUtilConverter.toImage(this, secure_image_files[i]); secure_button.setIndicator(BWTEnum.INDICATOR_IMAGE); secure_button.setIndicatorImageList(secure_images); secure_button.setNumStates(secure_images.length); image_button = new JCCheckbox(); for (int i=0; i < rotation_images.length; i++) rotation_images[i] = JCUtilConverter.toImage(this, rotation_files[i]); image_button.setIndicator(BWTEnum.INDICATOR_IMAGE); image_button.setIndicatorImageList(rotation_images); image_button.setLabel(rotation_labels[0]); image_button.setNumStates(rotation_images.length); image_button.addItemListener(this); imagebox.add(image_button); add(imagebox); JCCheckboxGroup styles = new JCCheckboxGroup("Styles"); styles.setRadioBehavior(false); for (int i=0; i < style_labels.length; i++) { JCCheckbox btn = new JCCheckbox(); btn.setState(BWTEnum.ON); if (style_indicators[i] == BWTEnum.INDICATOR_FILL) { btn.setUnselectColor(; btn.setSelectColor(; } btn.setLabel(style_labels[i]); btn.setIndicator(style_indicators[i]); styles.add(btn); } add(styles); } public static void main(String args[]) { ContribFrame frame = new ContribFrame("Checkboxes"); checkboxes s = new checkboxes(); s.init(); frame.add(s); frame.pack();; } }This code uses makeGroup to create an array of labels and an array of values and creates a group of radio buttons with associated values for each button. makeCollection takes the same parameters and produces an array of individual check boxes.
This code produces the checkbox group and the individual checkboxes displayed in the following illustration.
This sample code is incorporated into the example file checkboxes.class provided with JClass BWT. For information on how to run this program, see the "Example Program" section at the end of this chapter.
By default, JCCheckbox components are either "on" (selected) or "off" (deselected). The State property specifies the current state of the component. If this property is set to ON, the component is in the on state; if it is set to OFF, the component is in the off state. When the end-user presses the toggle button, this property toggles between ON and OFF.
If NumStates is set to a value less than 2, the button can represent a third "mixed-state" display, and the checkbox or radio button has a stippled display.
Each JCCheckbox component contains an indicator which specifies the current state of the toggle button. The Indicator property controls the style of the indicator, and is set to one of the following:
Indicator |
Resulting Indicator Style |
Appearance When In Off State |
Appearance When In On State |
initial raised foreground color appears depressed when activated |
black checkmark drawn in a square checkbox with a white background |
black circle drawn in a circular checkbox with a white background |
black cross drawn in a square checkbox with a white background |
diamond drawn in the foreground color; diamond appears raised when activated |
indicator is a image |
see below |
When the Indicator property is set to INDICATOR_IMAGE, the list of indicator images to use is specified by the IndicatorImageList property.
You can specify any number of component states you like. To do this, set the NumStates property. When this property is set to a value greater than 2, the value of State begins at 0 and increases by one each time the end-user presses the toggle button. When the largest state value is reached (one less than the number of states), a subsequent button press cycles State back to 0 (which is equivalent to OFF).
The following code fragments illustrate how a sequence of images can be successively displayed in a checkbox. Multiple component states are often used with application-defined indicator styles. The following code defines a four-state toggle button, specifying an indicator image list and image list for the four states:
static String rotation_files[] = { "../images/rotate000.gif", "../images/rotate270.gif", "../images/rotate180.gif", "../images/rotate090.gif", }; static Image rotation_images[] = new Image[4]; static String rotation_labels[] = { "North", "East", "South", "West" ... JCCheckboxGroup imagebox = new JCCheckboxGroup("Images"); image_button = new JCCheckbox(); for (int i=0; i < rotation_images.length; i++) rotation_images[i] = JCUtilConverter.toImage(this, rotation_files[i]); image_button.setIndicator(INDICATOR_IMAGE); image_button.setIndicatorImageList(rotation_images); image_button.setLabel(rotation_labels[0]); image_button.setNumStates(rotation_images.length); image_button.addItemListener(this); imagebox.add(image_button);The following illustration depicts the results of this code when inserted into a program:
The JCCheckbox component enables you to set the indicator background color for the FILL and DIAMOND indicators. To set the indicator background when the toggle is set (when State is BWT.Enum.ON), set the SelectColor property. To set the indicator background when the toggle is not set (when State is anything other than BWT.Enum.OFF), set the UnselectColor property.
The following code fragment displays a Fill checkbox that is red when it is inactive, and green when active:
JCCheckboxGroup styles = new JCCheckboxGroup("Styles"); styles.setRadioBehavior(false); for (int i=0; i < style_labels.length; i++) { JCCheckbox btn = new JCCheckbox(); btn.setState(ON); if (style_indicators[i] == INDICATOR_FILL) { btn.setUnselectColor(; btn.setSelectColor(; } btn.setLabel(style_labels[i]); btn.setIndicator(style_indicators[i]); styles.add(btn); } add(styles); }
The results can be seen in the following illustration:
A class can be notified when the user clicks a JCCheckbox by implementing the JCItemListener interface and registering itself with the checkbox via addItemListener, as the following code demonstrates:
public interface JCItemListener { public void itemStateChanged(JCItemEvent e); } public class JCItemEvent { // Returns the component where the event originated. public Object getSource() // Returns the event type: ITEM_STATE_CHANGED. public int getId() // Returns the item where the event occurred. public Object getItem() // Returns the state change type which generated the event: SELECTED or DESELECTED public int getStateChange() }A class can be notified when the user clicks any JCCheckboxGroup in the group by implementing the JCItemListener interface and registering itself with the group via addItemListener:
public interface JCItemListener { public void itemStateChanged(JCItemEvent e); } public class JCItemEvent { // Returns the component where the event originated. public Object getSource() // Returns the event type: ITEM_STATE_CHANGED. public int getId() // Returns the item where the event occurred. public Object getItem() // Returns the state change type which generated the event: SELECTED or DESELECTED public int getStateChange() }
The following summarizes the properties of JCCheckbox and JCCheckboxGroup. Complete reference documentation is available online in standard javadoc format in jclass.bwt.JCCheckbox.html and jclass.bwt.JCCheckboxGroup.html.
Name |
Method |
Inherited from |
Background |
setBackground |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
DoubleBuffer |
setDoubleBuffer |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Font |
setFont |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Foreground |
setForeground |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
HighlightColor |
setHighlightColor |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
HighlightThickness |
setHighlightThickness |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Indicator |
setIndicator |
jclass.bwt.JCCheckbox |
IndicatorImageList |
setIndicatorImageList |
jclass.bwt.JCCheckbox |
Insets |
setInsets |
jclass.bwt.JCCheckbox |
Label |
setLabel |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
NumStates |
setNumStates |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
PreferredSize |
setPreferredSize |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
SelectColor |
setSelectColor |
jclass.bwt.JCCheckbox |
State |
setState |
jclass.bwt.JCCheckbox |
Traversable |
setTraversable |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
UnselectColor |
setUnselectColor |
jclass.bwt.JCCheckbox |
UserData |
setUserData |
jclass.bwt.JCComponent |
Name |
Method |
Inherited from |
Background |
setBackground |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Font |
setFont |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Foreground |
setForeground |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Insets |
setInsets |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Orientation |
setOrientation |
jclass.bwt.JCCheckboxGroup |
PreferredSize |
setPreferredSize |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
RadioBehavior |
setRadioBehavior |
jclass.bwt.JCCheckboxGroup |
UserData |
setUserData |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Demonstration programs and example code containing JCCheckbox and JCCheckboxGroup come with JClass BWT. The examples can be viewed in applet form by launching index.html within the /jclass/bwt/examples directory. checkboxes.class can be run as stand-alone Java applications from the command prompt by typing:
java jclass.bwt.examples.checkboxes