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Class jclass.contrib.JCRetrieve
- public abstract class JCRetrieve
- extends Object
- This local cache is used to minimize the number of times the
cgi-bin script is accessed.
JCRetrieve(String, String)
- The constructor.
- Retrieves the value for "key".
- parseReturnData() uses the array of text lines to
fill up the cache.
setURL(String, String)
- Changes the host, port number and cgi-bin script according to
the data provided.
protected JCCache _cache
- This local cache is used to minimize the number of times the
cgi-bin script is accessed.
public JCRetrieve(String url,
String script)
- The constructor. It must specify a URL to the
cgi-bin script and the name of the script to be run.
public boolean setURL(String url,
String script)
- Changes the host, port number and cgi-bin script according to
the data provided.
public abstract void parseReturnData(Vector input)
- parseReturnData() uses the array of text lines to
fill up the cache. The user is expected to override
this to parse the data based on their cgi-bin script.
Each element in the Vector input represents a (key, value)
pair returned by the cgi-bin script.
public Object getData(Object key)
- Retrieves the value for "key". It checks the local cache first,
then goes out to the cgi-bin. It returns null if the data is
not found.
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