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Class jclass.contrib.JCRowColLayout
- public class JCRowColLayout
- extends Object
- implements LayoutManager
JCRowColLayout is an improved version of Java's AWT GridLayout. It
implements the LayoutManager interface, and lays out a
grid of rows and columns based on the attributes of the
individual rows and columns. Whereas GridLayout uses
the widest and tallest child to size each cell, JCRowColLayout
uses the widest element in a column to set the width of that
column, and the tallest element in a row to set the height of
that row.
Constructing a JCRowColLayout with a negative number of rows
or columns tells JCRowColLayout that the number of rows or
columns is variable, and the other item is fixed.
JCRowColLayout(int, int)
- A simple constructor with no "gap" information.
JCRowColLayout(int, int, int, int)
- A constructor that includes "gap" information.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component)
- An empty method that must appear (it is part of the
LayoutManager interface).
- Performs the layout of the children.
- Calculates the minimum size for this layout.
- Calculates the preferred size for this layout.
- An empty method that must appear (it is part of the
LayoutManager interface).
public JCRowColLayout(int rows,
int cols)
- A simple constructor with no "gap" information. By default
the gap between items is set to 0.
- Parameters:
- rows - the number of rows in the layout
- cols - the number of colums in the layout
public JCRowColLayout(int rows,
int cols,
int hgap,
int vgap)
- A constructor that includes "gap" information.
- Parameters:
- rows - the number of rows in the layout
- cols - the number of columns in the layout
- hgap - the horizontal gap between items
- vgap - the vertical gap between items
public void addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
- An empty method that must appear (it is part of the
LayoutManager interface). It does not do anything.
public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)
- An empty method that must appear (it is part of the
LayoutManager interface). It does not do anything.
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent)
- Calculates the preferred size for this layout. It is part of the
LayoutManager interface.
- Parameters:
- parent - the parent of this layout
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent)
- Calculates the minimum size for this layout. It is part of the
LayoutManager interface.
- Parameters:
- parent - the parent of this layout
public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
- Performs the layout of the children. It is part of the LayoutManager
interface. It calculates the number of actual rows and columns
based on the user's settings, retrieves row height and column
width information, then moves all the children to the appropriate
- Parameters:
- parent - the parent of this layout
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