Introduction · Sample Program Code · Enabling Multiple Selections
Setting Row Height and Spacing · Row and Column Visibility
Setting Selection Colors · Scrollbar Display · Column Settings
Events · Property Listing · Example Programs
List boxes are standard Graphical User Interface (GUI) components common to most windowing systems. List boxes enable users to view and choose from a series of selectable options. If the list is large, a scrollbar can be added to conserve space. To the user, list boxes operate in essentially the same manner as a collection of checkboxes or radio buttons, but list boxes are inherently dynamic--changes made in one list can be immediately reflected in another list component, providing a convenient way of managing large numbers of options.
A multi-column list is a list display containing multiple columns and column labels. Multi-column lists also enable the user to arrange the information contained within the entire list by clicking on a column label. In addition, column widths can be resized by dragging the boundary between the column labels. Multi-column lists provide a convenient way of displaying and managing large amounts of information.
While a list box component are incorporated within the Java Development Kit (JDK), it does not have a multi-column list component. Unlike AWT list boxes, JCList (and JCMultiColumnList) can incorporate images and text through the use of JCStrings. They can also incorporate objects. Both JCList and JCMultiColumnList have the standard Windows 95 "look and feel" and behavior.
JCMultiColumnList behaves in the following manner:
Items can be individually selected within a JCList by clicking them with the cursor. Once a JCList has focus, a continuous range of items can be selected by, clicking an item, holding down the SHIFT key, and then clicking the item at the end of the desired range. To select multiple items, click each item while holding down the CTRL key. When an item in a list is selected, the cursor keys will move focus in the direction of the cursor key. To select a single item, click the SPACE BAR. To select multiple items, click ENTER over individual items.
Items can be individually selected within a JCMultiColumnList by clicking them with the cursor. Once a JCMultiColumnList has focus, the cursor keys will move focus in the direction of the cursor key. To select an item, click SPACE BAR or ENTER.
The following code fragment shows how several different JCLists can be created:
package jclass.bwt.examples; import jclass.bwt.BWTEnum; import jclass.bwt.JCList; import jclass.contrib.ContribFrame; import jclass.util.JCString; import java.awt.*; public class lists extends java.applet.Applet { static int font_style_values[] = { Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD, Font.ITALIC, }; static String font_style_names[] = { "plain", "bold", "italic", }; static String font_size_names[] = { "12", "14", "15", "20" }; static String item_strings[] = { "check mark", "copy", "cut", "info", "x", }; static String item_images[] = { "check16.gif", "copy16.gif", "cut16.gif", "info16.gif", "x16.gif", }; static String color_names[] = { "red", "pink", "orange", "yellow", "green", "magenta", "cyan", "blue", }; static Color color_values[] = {,,, Color.yellow,, Color.magenta, Color.cyan,, }; public void init() { JCList list = new JCList(); setBackground(Color.lightGray); String font_names[] = getToolkit().getFontList(); /* * Image list */ list.setSpacing(5); list.setAllowMultipleSelections(true); for (int i=0; i < item_strings.length; i++) { String str = "[IMG=../images/" + item_images[i] + "]" + "[HORIZ_SPACE=10][ALIGN=MIDDLE]" + item_strings[i]; list.addItem(JCString.parse(this, str)); } add(list); /* * Font list */ JCList font_window = new JCList(7, true); for (int i=0; i < font_names.length; i++) { for (int k=0; k < font_style_names.length; k++) { Font font = new Font(font_names[i], font_style_values[k], 14); JCString s = new JCString(); s.add(font); s.add(font_names[i] + "-" + font_style_names[k] + "-" + 14); font_window.addItem(s); } } add(font_window); /* * Color list */ list = new JCList(); list.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 14)); list.setBackground(; list.setSelectedBackground(Color.white); list.setAllowMultipleSelections(true); list.getList().setHighlightColor(Color.white); for (int i=0; i < color_names.length; i++) { JCString s = new JCString(); s.add(color_values[i]); s.add(color_names[i]); list.addItem(s); } add(list); } public static void main(String args[]) { ContribFrame frame = new ContribFrame("Lists"); lists l = new lists(); l.init(); fontChooser chooser = new fontChooser(); chooser.init(); l.add(chooser); frame.add(l); frame.pack();; chooser.start(); } }This program creates the following display:
The image list displays how images can be inserted using JCStrings, the font list displays how a list can be associated with a scrollable window, and the color list is an example of how JCStrings can be used to set color values. (For more information on JCStrings, see Appendix B: JCString Properties).
The following code fragment shows how a JCMultiColumnList can be created:
package jclass.bwt.examples; import jclass.bwt.BWTEnum; import jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList; import jclass.contrib.ContribFrame; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; public class multiColumnList extends java.applet.Applet { final static String[] column_labels = { ... [multiple string values added here] ... JCMultiColumnList list = new JCMultiColumnList(); public void init() { // Force list to be same size as applet setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1)); setBackground(Color.lightGray); list.getList().setBackground(Color.white); list.getList().setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 10)); list.setVisibleRows(15); list.setSpacing(10); list.setRowHeight(BWTEnum.VARIABLE); for (int i=0; i < data.length; i++) list.addItem(data[i], '|'); list.setColumnButtons(column_labels); list.setColumnAlignments(alignments); list.getHeader().setColumnAlignments(alignments); add(list); } public Insets insets() { return new Insets(5,5,5,5); } public static void main(String args[]) { ContribFrame frame = new ContribFrame("MultiColumnList"); multiColumnList l = new multiColumnList(); l.init(); frame.add(l); frame.pack();; } }String values can be easily added to this code, as the following fragment demonstrates:
final static String[] column_labels = { "Title", "Author", "Price", "Pages", "Publisher" }; final static int[] alignments = { LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, }; final static String[] data = { "Active Java|"+ "Adam Freeman\n"+ "Darrel Ince|"+ "$25.95|"+ "235|"+ "Addison-Wesley", JCMultiColumnList list = new JCMultiColumnList();When a number of string values are added to the above code, it creates a display similar to the following:
The code samples used in this section are incorporated into the example files lists.class and multiColumnList.class provided with JClass BWT. For information on how to run these program, see the "Example Programs" section at the end of this chapter.
One of the chief advantages of using a list component is that it enables the user a wide variety of options to choose from. There are cases where it is desirable to offer the user the ability to choose multiple items from the list, and when only a single option can be chosen. Use the AllowMultipleSelections property in JCList or JCMultiColumnList to set whether a user can select more than one item from the list. It takes a boolean value, and when set to true, the list allows multiple selections.
By default, the height of a row in a JCList or JCMultiColumnList is set by the height of the font contained within a row. This action is set by RowHeight, whose default value is FONT_HEIGHT. RowHeight can also take a specific pixel value as the height value for each row.
A list component can also be set to automatically size rows and columns to fit the contents of the row by setting RowHeight to VARIABLE. If an application changes a lists' attributes affecting the cells' contents, this setting will resize the rows accordingly.
The spacing between rows is set by the Spacing property (default: 0).
The VisibleRows property sets the number of rows that are visible in a JCList or JCMultiColumnList. If set to 0 (default), the list will attempt to resize itself so that four items are visible. If it is set to another value, only the number of row specified will be displayed. VisibleRows only works if the list is made visible beforehand.
Column visibility in JCMultiColumnList is set using the NumColumns property. If set to VARIABLE (default), all columns are displayed.
The color values for selected items can be set explicitly within a JCList or JCMultiColumnList. Both the background and foreground (text) colors can be set in this manner. The SelectedBackground property sets the background selected color for a JCList, and SelectedForeground to set the selected text color.
For a list of available color values, see Appendix A: Colors and Fonts.
Scrollbar display for both JCList and JCMultiColumnList is controlled by two methods: ScrollbarDisplay and ScrollbarOffset. The ScrollbarDisplay property is used to specify when scrollbars are to be displayed. ScrollbarDisplay has five different, self-explanitory values: DISPLAY_ALWAYS, DISPLAY_AS_NEEDED (default), DISPLAY_VERTICAL_ONLY, DISPLAY_HORIZONTAL_ONLY, DISPLAY_NONE.
ScrollbarOffset is used to set the distance in pixels between the scrollbars and the viewport (default: 0).
JCMultiColumnList provides a number of property to enable the programmer to modify various column characteristics.
The ColumnAlignments property enables the programmer to explicitly set the alignment for the text, images and other items that appear in a list. It can have one of nine values: TOPLEFT, TOPCENTER, TOPRIGHT, MIDDLELEFT, MIDDLECENTER , MIDDLERIGHT, BOTTOMLEFT BOTTOMCENTER and BOTTOMRIGHT. By default, ColumnAlignments is set to MIDDLELEFT.
Column margins can be explicitly set with the ColumnRightMargin and the ColumnLeftMargin properties. Both set the margin value in pixels for the text, images or other items that appear in a column (default: 5 pixels).
Column width can be set using the ColumnWidths property. It can take a list value, or a specific value for a particular column. If a column value is set to VARIABLE, the width is set to the item of the widest value within the column.
To sets a header for the window with the specified labels, use the ColumnLabels property. Each label can take a string or a JCString.
There are many cases where it desirable to allow the user to sort the information contained within a multi-column list. The ColumnLabelSort property is used to specify whether a column is sorted when its button is clicked (default: true). If true, sortByColumn() is called. When sortByColumn() is called, it sorts the rows in the list based on the specified column, based on the numerical or string values contained within the column. The optional sort_if parameter can be used with sortByColumn() to enable the programmer to provide a mechanism to specify their own sorting scheme.
ColumnLabelSortMethod sets the method to be called during sorting. ColumnLabelSortMethod can take the parameter method, which is an interface whose "compare" method is called during sorting, in order to provide a mechanism for the application to specify whether one object is greater than another. It works in a similar fashion to qsort's compare function. By default ColumnLabelSortMethod is set to null, which sorts the the column through either a numerical or string comparison as applicable.
A class can be notified when the user presses the ENTER key or double-clicks an item within a JCList by implementing the JCActionListener interface and registering itself with the list via addActionListener, as the following code demonstrates:
public interface JCActionListener { public void actionPerformed(JCActionEvent e); } public class JCActionEvent { // Returns the component where the event originated. public Object getSource() // Returns the event type: ACTION_PERFORMED. public int getId() }A class can be notified when the user selects an item in the list by implementing the JCItemListener interface and registering itself with the list via addItemListener:
public interface JCItemListener { public void itemStateChanged(JCItemEvent e); } public class JCItemEvent { // Returns the component where the event originated. public Object getSource() // Returns the event type: ITEM_STATE_CHANGED. public int getId() // Returns the item where the event occurred. public Object getItem() // Returns the state change type which generated the event: SELECTED or DESELECTED public int getStateChange()To receive additional information, a class can implement the JCListListener interface, and register itself with the list via addItemListener:
public interface JCListListener extends JCItemListener { // Invoked before an item is selected. The event's values can be modified via its setXXX methods. public void listItemSelectBegin(JCListEvent e); // Invoked after an item is selected. Any changes made to the event are ignored. public void listItemSelectEnd(JCListEvent e); }It is then passed onto JCListEvents using the following code:
public class JCListEvent extends JCItemEvent { // Gets the last item selected. public int getRow() // Gets the selection type: INITIAL, MODIFICATION or ADDITION public int getType() // Gets the current AllowSelection value. public boolean getAllowSelection() // Determines whether the selection should be allowed (default: true) public void setAllowSelection(boolean v) // Gets the originating event (null if selection was not interactive) public Event getSourceEvent() }
The following summarizes the properties of JCList and JCMultiColumnList. Complete reference documentation is available online in standard javadoc format in jclass.bwt.JCList.html and jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList.html.
Name |
Method |
Inherited from |
AllowMultipleSelections |
setAllowMultipleSelections |
jclass.bwt.JCList |
AutoSelect |
setAutoSelect |
jclass.bwt.JCList |
Background |
setBackground |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Font |
setFont |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Foreground |
setForeground |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Insets |
setInsets |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Items |
setItems |
jclass.bwt.JCList |
PreferredSize |
setPreferredSize |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
RowHeight |
setRowHeight |
jclass.bwt.JCList |
ScrollbarDisplay |
setScrollbarDisplay |
jclass.bwt.JCScrolledWindow |
ScrollbarOffset |
setScrollbarOffset |
jclass.bwt.JCScrolledWindow |
SelectedBackground |
setSelectedBackground |
jclass.bwt.JCList |
SelectedForeground |
setSelectedForeground |
jclass.bwt.JCList |
Spacing |
setSpacing |
jclass.bwt.JCList |
UserData |
setUserData |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
VisibleRows |
setVisibleRows |
jclass.bwt.JCList |
Name |
Method |
Inherited from |
AllowMultipleSelections |
setAllowMultipleSelections |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
AutoSelect |
setAutoSelect |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
Background |
setBackground |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
ColumnAlignments |
setColumnAlignments |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnWindow |
ColumnLabels |
setColumnLabels |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnWindow |
ColumnLabelSort |
setColumnLabelSort |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
ColumnLabelSortMethod |
setColumnLabelSortMethod |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
ColumnLeftMargin |
setColumnLeftMargin |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnWindow |
ColumnRightMargin |
setColumnRightMargin |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnWindow |
ColumnWidths |
setColumnWidths |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnWindow |
Font |
setFont |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Foreground |
setForeground |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Insets |
setInsets |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
Items |
setItems |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
NumColumns |
setNumColumns |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnWindow |
PreferredSize |
setPreferredSize |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
RowHeight |
setRowHeight |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
ScrollbarDisplay |
setScrollbarDisplay |
jclass.bwt.JCScrolledWindow |
ScrollbarOffset |
setScrollbarOffset |
jclass.bwt.JCScrolledWindow |
SelectedBackground |
setSelectedBackground |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
SelectedForeground |
setSelectedForeground |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
Spacing |
setSpacing |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
UserData |
setUserData |
jclass.bwt.JCContainer |
UserDataList |
setUserDataList |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
VisibleRows |
setVisibleRows |
jclass.bwt.JCMultiColumnList |
Demonstration programs and example code containing JCLists and JCMultiColumnLists come with JClass BWT. The examples can be viewed in applet form by launching index.html within the /jclass/bwt/examples directory. lists.class and multiColumnList.class can also be run as stand-alone Java applications from the command prompt by typing:
java jclass.bwt.examples.listsand
java jclass.bwt.examples.multiColumnList