Maximize Event

Applies to:  Subclasser object, PowerForm control
See also:  Minimize event, Restore event, Resized event, Resizing event, AllowSizingBottom property, AllowSizingLeft property, AllowSizingRight property, AllowSizingTop property, Event Index

Occurs when the window subclassed by a Subclasser object or PowerForm control is maximized.


Private Sub object_Maximize(ByVal ClientWidth As Long, ByVal ClientHeight As Long)

The Maximize event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object The name of an object in the Applies to list.  If object is a SubClasser object, then the object must be declared using WithEvents.
ClientWidth The width of the client area of the window, in pixels.
ClientHeight The height of the licent area of the window, in pixels.


The Maximize event is fired irrespective of whether the form was maximized manually or in code.


SubForm - Continuous Forms View



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