AllowSizingRight Property

Applies to:  SubClasser object, PowerForm control
See also:  AllowSizingLeft, AllowSizingRight, AllowSizingBottom, Resizable Property, Property Index

Determines whether the subclassed window can be resized using the right-hand edge.

Read/Write at both design-time and run-time.




Value Meaning
True The form can be resized by dragging its right edge.
False The form cannot be resized by dragging its right edge.


Use this property for forms with sizable borders (BorderStyle 2 or 5) to obtain finer control over the way the form can be resized.  For instance, you may want to create a form which can be resized horizontally, but with a fixed height.  This property is ignored for windows with non-sizable borders.


The following statement assumes that there is a PowerForm control called PowerForm1 placed on the form, and when executed, will prevent the form from being resized by dragging the right edge.

PowerForm1.AllowSizingRight = False

Further Examples:

SubForm - Continuous Forms View




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