Resizable Property

Applies to:  SubClasser object, PowerForm control
See also:  AllowSizingBottom property, AllowSizingLeft property, AllowSizingRight property, AllowSizingTop property, Property Index

Indicates whether the subclassed window is resizable.

Read only at run-time, not available at design-time.



Return values:

Value Meaning
True The form has a resizable border.
False The form does not have a resizable border.


The resizable property indicates whether the window is drawn with a resizable border.  If the window's AllowSizingLeft, AllowSizingRight, AllowSizingTop, and AllowSizingBottom properties are set to False, the window will not be resizable, even if it has a resizable border.

For this reason, caution should be taken in setting the AllowSizingLeft, AllowSizingRight, AllowSizingTop, and AllowSizingBottom properties, as a window that appears to be resizable but isn't, or can only be resizable on certain sides may cause confusion for the user, unless there is some other indication that the window cannot be resized.



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