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 CaTrap verze 1.3 build 1302, uveřejněna dne 4.října 2001
CaTrap for Windows 95/98/NT is a custom action for MS Outlook Rules Wizard and MS Exchange Inbox Assistant.

CaTrap extension adds Message Extract Manager action. It automatically extracts the information from an incoming message and stores it either in File, Outlook Contact Folder (or other folders) or Personal Address Book.

CaTrap saves your time. You need not anymore reenter information that are included in an incoming message. CaTrap automates this process.

Attention: Be sure that either you've installed Rules Wizard to your MS Outlook or you're connected to MS Exchange Server.

Examples of use
E-mails sent from web form can be treated by CaTrap and the information stored automatically in Outlook Contact folder.
CaTrap can extract the information from an incoming message and store it in delimited file, which can be imported in the other applications.

Use example templates
The way how to extract and where to store the incoming message information is defined in templates. An easy way to learn how to define the templates is to insert preset example templates into your definition.

Offer for beginners
In case you have troubles with template definition we can create your first template for you.
Please send an e-mail to our with description what do you want to extract from an incoming message (it's better to insert an message example) and where do you want to store the extracted information. Enter "I am CaTrap beginner" in Subject.


  • Message Extract Manager extracts data information from an incoming message fields (such as the sender‘s information, subject, body, delivery time etc.) or their segments. Message fields segments are defined by Find after and Find before or Set position conditions.
  • Message Extract Manager exports this data information to the file. You can define file type, append or create mode, horizontal or vertical arrangement, data separator, text qualifier and program to execute after output.
  • Message Extract Manager stores this data information to the folder (such as Contacts, StickyNotes) item standard fields (such as Full name, E-mail address, Mail address, etc.) or user defined fields.
  • In case the choosen folder is Contact folder you can specify what to do if created entry in Contact folder allready exists. It can be added, not added, modified or delete.
  • Message Extract Manager adds an incoming message sender‘s information to the personal address book.
  • You can specify what to do if e-mail address retrieved from incoming message is found in personal address book. It can be added, not added, modified or delete.


  • MS Windows 95/98 or MS Windows NT 3.51/4.0
  • MS Exchange Client (Windows Messaging) connected to MS Exchange Server or MS Outlook with installed Rules Wizard (don't have to be connected to MS Exchange Server)

Please visit my CaTrap FAQ page to learn more about some features.

More details about CaBook you can also gain from CaTrap Online Documentation.


CaTrap is not free software

You have the opportunity to try the program 30 days at no charge to see if it meets your needs. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration fee is required. Credit card ordering and quantity discounts are available. More details you can find on Purchase a License page.

Also don't forget to visit the complete price list which inform you about various license types and quantity discounts.


Now, you can download CaTrap 1.0.

update list

September 10th 1998, version 1.00
  • first release

*)  Uvedené ceny obsahují 5% slevu a jsou platné jen pro nákup v internetovém obchodě Studna Online. Na objednávky přijaté poštou, faxem, telefonem, emailem se tato sleva nevztahuje.
**)  Všechny ceny jsou uvedené bez 5% DPH.

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