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Add-Ins Beta Versions

ExLife 1.4 beta release 3

This release is to fix the following:

  • closing Exchange/Outlook client when it's connected to MS Exchange Server
  • skipping some messages when using 'print action' and processing more messages in the same time
  • You can download the betaversion from this link: exlife1403b.exe

    ExLife 1.4 beta release 2

    This release adds the following features:

  • 'flag for follow up' property: This property allows to create a virtual folder with flagged messages
  • This release is to fix the following:

  • 'Message' property was by mistake removed from previous release
  • You can download the betaversion from this link: exlife1402b.exe

    ExLife 1.4 beta release 1

    This release adds the following features:

  • 'all messages' property: the condition is fulfilled by all messages
  • ability to copy rules, filters and conditions
  • decoding redirected messages in the inbox after Exchange/Outlook start (correct the error when messages come to mailbox and the client is offline). To allow this feature you have to tick 'Run after start' check box in ExLife options.
  • This first release of a new version doesn't bring a lot of new features. But many users ask us to add ability to copy rules and solve the problem with decoding redirected messages. Therefore we released this first betaversion of the new version.

    *)  Uvedené ceny obsahují 5% slevu a jsou platné jen pro nákup v internetovém obchodě Studna Online. Na objednávky přijaté poštou, faxem, telefonem, emailem se tato sleva nevztahuje.
    **)  Všechny ceny jsou uvedené bez 5% DPH.

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