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 ExSign verze 1.21 build 1212, uveřejněna dne 24. června 2001
ExSign for Windows 95/NT enhances the MS Exchange Client (Windows Messaging) and MS Outlook by adding advanced signature feature.

It's possible to define variable signature for each transport service provider (Internet mail, MS mail, Compuserve, MS Fax, ...) and eahc message type (new, reply, forward, autoreply, autoforward).


  • Advanced signature depends on
    • transport service provider (Internet Mail, MS Mail, MS Fax, ...)
    • message type (new, reply and forwarded message, reply and forward actions...)
  • Co-operation with ExLife
  • Import/Export signatures
  • Doesn't work with Microsoft Office 95/97 WordMail Extension.
  • Support for multiple exchange profiles.
  • Installation and deinstallation program


  • MS Windows 95 or MS Windows NT 3.51/4.0
  • MS Exchange Client (Windows Messaging) or MS Outlook

Please visit my ExSign FAQ page to learn more about some features.

More details about ExSign you can also gain from ExSign Online Documentation.


ExSign is not free software

You have the opportunity to try the program 30 days at no charge to see if it meets your needs. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration fee is required. Credit card ordering and quantity discounts are available. More details you can find on Purchase a License page.

Also don't forget to visit the complete price list which inform you about various license types and quantity discounts.


Now, you can download ExSign 1.1.

update list

August 5th 1997, version 1.01
  • adjustment for collaborating with new 1.20 version of Exlife.
  • installation and deinstallation program
May 14th 1997, version 1.00b
  • next error was repaired. Sometimes an invalide page fault was invoked when Options was closing.
May 13th 1997, version 1.00a
  • was found a mistake; sometimes was unable to enter new signature under Windows 95 (these was no problem with Windows NT).
May 11th 1997, version 1.00
  • first release

*)  Uvedené ceny obsahují 5% slevu a jsou platné jen pro nákup v internetovém obchodě Studna Online. Na objednávky přijaté poštou, faxem, telefonem, emailem se tato sleva nevztahuje.
**)  Všechny ceny jsou uvedené bez 5% DPH.

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