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ExSign Documentation








advanced signature for ms exchange client, ms windows messaging, ms outlook
(MS Windows 95/NT)















Copyright: ©1996-98 Mokry Software. All rights reserved.
Version: 1.10
Released: March 3rd 1998


1. Introduction *

2. Installation and Uninstallation *

2.1. Installation *

2.2. Uninstallation *

3. ExSign in Practise *

4. ExSign Description *

4.1. Defining Signature *

5. Purchase *

6. User Groups / Shareware Distributors *

7. Disclaimer *

8. Where To Get This Extension *

9. Other Extensions *

10. How To Contact Author *

  1. Introduction

ExSign for Windows 95/NT enhances the MS Exchange Client (Windows Messaging) and MS Outlook by adding useful feature - advanced signature. It's possible to define signatures that are dependent on address type (SMTP, FAX, MS, …) and message type (new message, reply message, forward message, …). Also is possible to include signature from files (plain text or RTF).

what's new:

  • Adjustment for collaborating with new 1.20 version of ExLife.
  • Installation and deinstallation program


  • Advanced signature depends on
    • transport service provider (Internet Mail, MS Mail, MS Fax, ...)
    • message type (new, reply and forwarded message, reply and forward actions...)
  • Co-operation with ExLife
  • Import/Export signatures
  • Doesn't work with Microsoft Office 95/97 WordMail Extension.
  • Support for multiple exchange profiles.
  • Installation and deinstallation program


  • MS Windows 95 or MS Windows NT 3.51/4.0
  • MS Exchange Client (Windows Messaging) or MS Outlook


ExSign is not a free software

You have the opportunity to try the program 30 days at no charge to see if it meets your needs. If you continue to use the program after the evaluation, please order a license. Credit card ordering and quantity discounts are available. More details you can find on Purchase a License page (/exchange/purchase.htm).

The software price starts at US$19.95 for a single license. Don't forget to visit the complete Price List (/exchange/pricelist.htm) which inform you about various license types and quantity discounts.

  1. Installation and Uninstallation
    1. Installation

ExSign is distributed as a self-extracting ZIP file. To install it, run the self-extracting ZIP file. For example, if you received the program in the self-extracting ZIP file downloaded as c:\download\exsign101.exe, activate the Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu, type c:\download\exsign101, and press the Enter key. The SETUP program will automatically be run (picture 2-1).

Picture 2-1: Installation - Self-Extracting ZIP file

Now press the Setup button. This action, after unzipping all files, invokes ExSign installation program (picture 2-2). Follow its instruction which makes you for successful installation.

Picture 2-2: ExSign installation program

possible installation problems:

  1. Installation can't copy a file
    Generally it's impossible to copy "system files" (e.g. exsign32.dll) because older version of these files, which we are going to overwrite, are in use. To correct this problem you should close MS Exchange (Outlook) program or if it doesn't help, restart computer.
  2. Setup was unable to register extensions in windows registry
    Try to register keys manually. Go to your ExSign directory where in program subdirectory you find exsign32.reg file. Double click on it in file manager to register keys defined in it.
    1. Uninstallation

Click the Add/Remove Programs Properties in Control Panel. In the Install/Uninstall dialog box, click the item "ExSign 1.01" and then click the Add/Remove button to remove it (picture 2-3).

Picture 2-3: Uninstallation - Add/Remove Program Properties in Control Panel


  1. ExSign in Practise
  2. We'd like to define two kind of signature. The first only for internet mail messages and the second for the rest.

    In the 'ExSign options' dialog box (picture 4-1) click on 'Add' button to pop up 'Signature' dialog box (picture 4-2). To 'Name' field type the name of signature (e.g. Internet Mail). To 'Signature' field type the signature you want to be appended to the internet mail messages. Then from 'Address type' combo box select 'SMTP' address type (it defines Internet mail). Lastly select for which message types you want to use this signature. In out case check off all check boxes in the message type group of check boxes.

    The second signature define in the same way except address type. You have to select '<default>' address type.


  3. ExSign Description
  4. 'ExSign option' dialog box (picture 4-1) is the main centre for managing signature in ExSign. You can add, modify and delete the signatures an also backup and restore them.

    Picture 4-1: ExSign options

    dialog box controls:

    Signature list (list box) - list of all defined signatures in the ExSign
    Add (button) - adds a signature to ExSign
    Modify (button) - revises and corrects the selected signature
    Delete (button) - erase the selected signature
    Append signature (check box) - allow appending the signature to the message
    Import (button) - restore all signatures from a files
    Export (button) - backup all signatures to a file
    OK (button) - close dialog box with accepting all changes
    Cancel (button) - close dialog box without accepting changes

    1. Defining Signature

    The following dialog box (picture 4-2) is used for defining signature and assigning it to the message address type and the message types.

    Picture 4-2: Signature

    dialog box controls:

    Name (edit box) - type here the name of the signature
    Signature (edit box) - put signature text
    Take signature from file (check box) - check it off if you want to take the signature from a file (RTF format supported)
    Browse (button) - invoke the dialog box for selecting the signature file
    Message type (group of check boxes) - determine for which type of message this signature is used
    'New' - new composed message
    'Reply' - reply to message
    'Forward' - forwarded message
    'Autoreply' - message generated with reply action
    'Autoforward' - message generated with forward action
    Font (check box & button) - if you check off this box you can select a font for signature
    Address type (combo box) - determine for which message address type this signature is used (SMTP, COMPUSERVE, MS, FAX, ...)
    OK (button) - close dialog box with accepting all changes
    Cancel (button) - close dialog box without accepting changes


  5. Purchase
  6. ExSign is not a free software

    You have the opportunity to try the program 30 days at no charge to see if it meets your needs. If you continue to use the program after the evaluation, please order a license. Credit card ordering and quantity discounts are available. More details you can find on Purchase a License (/exchange/purchase.htm) page.


    Single license*

    Site license**

    World-wide license***


    US$ 19.95

    US$ 299

    US$ 699

    Bundle ExLife & ExSign

    US$ 35.95

    US$ 469

    US$ 1099

    Bundle ExLife Professional & ExSign

    US$ 45.95

    US$ 569

    US$ 1399

    * A single license for one PC
    ** A site license covers a single organisation for an area of up to 10 miles (16 kilometres) in radius.
    *** A world-wide license covers everyone in a single organisation.

    Please visit the complete price list (/exchange/pricelist.htm) for actual prices. It will also inform you about various license types and quantity discounts.

  7. User Groups / Shareware Distributors

PC User Groups and Shareware Distributors are welcome to add ExSign to their libraries under the following conditions:

  1. The program itself must be unmodified
  2. A diskette/copying fee of $5 or less is charged
  3. All documentation files MUST be included.

I would appreciate notification that you have added ExSign to your library.



  1. Disclaimer
  2. The copyright owner disclaims all warranties and is not liable for damages of any kind. By using ExSign you agree to this.


  3. Where To Get This Extension
  4. /exchange or contact:


  5. Other Extensions
  6. ExLife - This extension adds to MS Exchange Client (Windows Messaging, Outlook) actions based on filter rules. It has a similar behaviour as Inbox assistant (for incoming and outgoing messages) but you don't have to be connected to MS Exchange Server.

    These actions are: Moving, Copying messages to different folders, Deleting messages, Marking messages as read, AutoReplying (is possible specified text, attachments, subject, prefix, reply to all, including original text, appending signature. Reply text can be specified either in dialog edit box in the text file), AutoForwarding (forwarding to as many recipients as you want), Address Book Manager (add/delete email's sender to/from Outlook Contact Folder or Personal Address Book),Run a program. More information you can find on /exchange/exlife.htm.

    This add-on also includes quoted reply form, resend form, signature, virtual folders.

    CaBook - This extension adds Address Book Manager action to Rules Wizard or Inbox Assistant. It can add sender's email address to Outlook Contact Folder or Personal Address Book. Also it is possible to delete this address from it. More information you can find on /exchange/cabook.htm.

    A short list about all my extension you can also find on /exchange/mycup.htm.


  7. How To Contact Author
Ludek Mokry
9. kvetna 263
664 61 Rajhrad
Czech Republic
phone: +420-603-447148
fax: +420-5-48520007

*)  Uvedené ceny obsahují 5% slevu a jsou platné jen pro nákup v internetovém obchodě Studna Online. Na objednávky přijaté poštou, faxem, telefonem, emailem se tato sleva nevztahuje.
**)  Všechny ceny jsou uvedené bez 5% DPH.

Copyright © 1996-2002, Mokry Systems