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ExLife Documentation
 ExLife version 1.53 build 1533, released on 3rd February 2000
Copyright: ©1996-2000 ORNIC Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.



1. Introduction
2. Installation and Uninstallation
2. 1. Installation
2. 2. Uninstallation
3. ExLife in Practice
3. 1. Creating Filter Rule
4. ExLife Description
4. 1. Filters Property Sheet
4. 1. 1. Rules
4. 1. 1. 1. Simple Interface
4. 1. 1. 2. Advanced Interface (Boolean Expression)
4. 1. 1. 3. Rules (message) Property
4. 1. 1. 4. Rules Comparison
4. 1. 2. Actions
4. 1. 2. 1. Move Action
4. 1. 2. 2. File (sender) Action
4. 1. 2. 3. File (recipient) Action
4. 1. 2. 4. Copy Action
4. 1. 2. 5. Delete Action
4. 1. 2. 6. Mark as Read Action
4. 1. 2. 7. Mark as Unread Action
4. 1. 2. 8. Redirect Action
4. 1. 2. 9. Forward Action
4. 1. 2. 10.  Reply Action
4. 1. 2. 11. Address Book Manager Action
4. 1. 2. 12. Print Action
4. 1. 2. 13. Save Attachments Action
4. 1. 2. 14. Save Message Action
4. 1. 2. 15. Run a Program Action
4. 1. 2. 16. Stop Processing Actions
4. 2. Folder Assistant
4. 3. Virtual Folders
4. 4. Signature
4. 5. Others
4. 6. Actions Processing
4. 6. 1. Online
4. 6. 2. Offline
4. 7. Other Features
4. 7. 1. Recipients Information
4. 7. 2. Resend Form
4. 7. 3. Reply Form
5. Purchase
6. User Groups / Shareware Distributors
7. Disclaimer
8. Where To Get This Extension
9. Other Extensions
10. How To Contact Us


1. Introduction

ExLife for Windows 95/98/NT enhances the MS Exchange Client, MS Windows Messaging and MS Outlook by adding useful features.

ExLife helps you manage your e-mail messages by using rules to automatically or manually perform actions on messages. When you create a rule, it is a applied when messages arrive in your Inbox, when you send a message or when a message is created in a folder. For example, you can automatically:

  • Forward all messages sent by Diana Murphy to your manager when they arrive in your Inbox.
  • Add all senders to your address book
  • Print all messages with Order in the subject

main features

ExLife works in two basic modes: online and offline. In online mode the actions are automatically performed on incoming, outgoing or created messages. In offline mode the actions are performed on the messages in chosen folder.

online processing

  • inbox assistant: apply these rules after the message arrives
  • outbox assistant: apply these rules after the message is sent
  • folder assistant: apply these rules after the message is created in defined folders

offline processing

  • folder assistant: apply these rules to the messages in chosen folder

standard and professional version
ExLife now comes in two modifications - standard and professional.

Limitation of standard version against professional version

  • max. 3 virtual folders
  • max. 3 folder assistant rules



  • move messages to different folders
  • copy messages to different folders
  • delete messages
  • mark messages as read
  • mark messages as unread
  • reply - is possible specified text, attachments, subject, prefix, reply to all, including original text, appending signature. Reply text can be specified either in the dialog edit box or in the text file (RTF format is supported)
  • forward - forwarding to as many recipients as you want. It's possible specified annotation, attachments, subject, prefix, including original text, appending signature. Annotation can be specified either in the dialog edit box or in the text file (RTF format is supported)
  • redirect - message is sent to other recipients with keeping original sender and recipients information (ExLife must be installed on both sides)
  • address book manager - sender's and recipients' information can be added or deleted from Contact folder or Personal address book
  • print action - it's possible to print message's body and message's attachments (with program which is associated with attachments' extension). It means that it allows to print not only incoming faxes but also doc, xls, txt and other files (if they are associated)
  • save message - it saves message body to a defined directory with a unique filename (either based on subject + time or on random number). The text file format might be either plain or RTF. There is also possibility to launch a program with the saved file as a parameter.
  • save message's attachments - new feature to launch a program with the saved attachment as a parameter.
  • set sender name - set the sender display name with the sender email address. This might be useful if you're going to import the messages to MS Access and you want to know the sender email address.
  • run a program - as a parameter is passed message's entry id in hexadecimal format (extended MAPI format)


  • inbox assistant - the filter rules are automatically processed after incoming messages are received
  • outbox assistant - the filter rules are automatically processed after outgoinf messages are sent
  • folder assistant - the filter rules are automatically processed after messages are added to defined folders
  • read assistant - the filter rules are automatically processed after unread messages are read
  • offline assistant - the filter rules are manually processed on selected folder

message's property

  • from (sender) - searched in a display name or an email address or in both
  • to (recipient) - searched in a display name or an email address or in both and in any combinations of To, Cc and Bcc Recipient Types
  • address type (SMTP, FAX, COMPUSERVE, EX, MS, ...)
  • header
  • has attachments
  • is unread
  • subject
  • message
  • message size


  • Boolean expression in filter rules
  • three methods of comparison text Items and entered values: FullString, SubString and Prefix.
  • append signature to the end of a mail (It doesn't work with Microsoft Office 95/97 WordMail Extension, since the WordMail forms don't correctly support client extensibility). If ExSign add-ins is installed, ExLife's signature feature is switched off. ExLife can co-operate with ExSign's advanced signature.
  • reply form with defined (e.g. ">") prefix (RTF is supported)
  • resend form - easy way how to resend sent message. All information are taken from original message.
  • virtual folders - show only messages which fit to entered condition (e.g. unread messages, messages with attachments, ...)
  • the change of a message's icon and remembering the reply date when replying with ExLife reply form
  • unlimited number of user defined filter rules.
  • import/export filter rules and actions
  • allow the user to show information about all recipients (To, Cc, Bcc) - in archived messages.
  • managing ExLife's buttons in toolbars (useful for Outlook)
  • support for multiple exchange profiles.
  • installation and uninstallation program


  • MS Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT 4.0
  • MS Outlook 97/98/2000, MS Exchange Client, MS Windows Messaging

ExLife is not a free software

You have the opportunity to try the program 30 days at no charge to see if it meets your needs. If you continue to use the program after the evaluation, please order a license. Credit card ordering and quantity discounts are available. More details you can find on Purchase a License page.

Buy It Now! - Purchase ExLife Online
a single license covers one PC.
a site license covers a single organization for an area of up to 10 miles (16 kilometers) in radius.
a world-wide license covers everyone in a single organization.

Also don't forget to visit the complete below or on our website which inform you about various license types and quantity discounts.


2. Installation and Uninstallation

2.1. Installation

ExLife is distributed as a self-extracting ZIP file. To install it, run the self-extracting ZIP file. For example, if you received the program in the self-extracting ZIP file downloaded as c:\download\exlife120.exe, activate the Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu, type c:\download\exlife120, and press the Enter key. The SETUP program will automatically be run (picture 2-1).

picture 2-1: Installation - Self-Extracting ZIP file

Now press the Setup button. This action, after unzipping all files, invokes ExLife installation program (picture 2-2). Follow its instruction which makes you for successful installation.

picture 2-2: ExLife installation program

possible installation problems

  1. Installation can't copy a file
    Generally it's impossible to copy "system files" (e.g. exlife32.dll) because older version of these files, which we are going to overwrite, are in use. To correct this problem you should close MS Exchange (Outlook) program or if it doesn't help, restart computer.
  2. Setup was unable to register extensions in windows registry
    Try to register keys manually. Go to your ExLife directory where in program subdirectory you find exlife32.reg file. Double click on it in file manager to register keys defined in it.


2.2. Uninstallation

Click the Add/Remove Programs Properties in Control Panel. In the Install/Uninstall dialog box, click the item "ExLife 1.5" and then click the Add/Remove button to remove it (picture 2-3).

picture 2-3: Uninstallation - Add/Remove Program Properties in Control Panel


3. ExLife in Practice

3.1. ExLife in Practice

In this chapter I'm going to explain you how to create your first filter rule and associated action for incoming messages.

For example we create a rule which moves all incoming messages addressed to '' to 'ExLife information' folder. How to do it you can see in the following instruction.

1. step - creating after delivery filter group

In the picture 3-1 you can see the main form for entering filter rules. to invoke this dialog go to Exchange Options command in Tools menu.

picture 3-1: ExLife options - filter property sheet

First, we have to click on ‘Add’ button to create AFTER DELIVERY filter group (it associates all filter rules for incoming messages). When you press 'Add' button, new dialog form appears (picture 3-2).

picture 3-2: ExLife options - Filters Group

Select 'after Delivery' filter type in Type radio button's group.

2. step - setting the filter rule

As I mentioned above we're going to create the rule which moves all incoming messages addressed to '' to 'ExLife information' folder.

Click on 'Add' button to pop the 'Filter Item' dialog box (picture 3-3). To field ‘Filter Name’ we put name of this filter rule - in our case it’ll be ‘Exchange Information’. Next, we have to type filter condition. From ‘Properties’ field we choose ‘To (recipient)’ item (we want to filter by recipient email address). Also we need to determine type of comparison between our email address and addresses in messages. Select in ‘Content’ field ‘SubString’ comparing method (I’ll prefer it before ‘FullString’ or ‘Prefix’ comparing method, but sometimes might also be these method useful). And finally we fill in ‘Value’ field with our email address. It might be only ‘exchange@’, but again sometimes might be very useful to use exact address - ‘’. It’s depends on the situation.

picture 3-3: ExLife options - Filter Item (simple rule definition)

Now we have to decide in which recipient area will be searched. We set it in ‘Search In’ check group. We want the email address is looked for in ‘Display Name’ and ‘Email Address’ fields. Therefore we have to check off these check boxes. Also we have to check off ‘To’ and ‘Cc’ fields (email address will be searched in ‘To’ and ‘Cc’ recipient type). To check ‘Bcc’ recipient type is for incoming emails useless. This type is not saved in emails (its name is Blind Carbon Copy).

Finally, it is quite useful and necessary to check on ‘Ignore Case’ field. Why? Because email addresses in incoming messages might be written in many different ways.

3. step - setting the action for the filter rule

From 'Available actions' list box select a 'Move' action. When you click on 'Add' button, the 'Move' action will be copied to 'Chosen actions' list box (picture 3-4).

picture 3-4: ExLife options - Filter Item (actions)

To choose the folder where the messages will be moved click on 'Properties' button ('Move' action in 'Chosen actions' list box must be selected). This action invokes 'Choose Folder' dialog box (picture 3-5). Select appropriate folder and click on 'OK' button. You will be back in 'Filter Item (actions)' dialog box - picture 3-4.

picture 3-5: ExLife options - Choose Folder

4. step - saving the filter rule

Save your first filter rule with 'OK' button. You are back in 'Filter Group' dialog box (picture 3-2). In 'Filters' list box you see your first filter rule called ‘Exchange Information’. Press again 'OK' button to save 'after delivery' filter group. You're back in the main 'ExLife option' dialog box (picture 3-1). You can see just defined 'After delivery' filter group in the list box.

If you want to add next filter rule to 'INBOX ASSISTANT' filter group, click on 'Edit' button to open this group.

To allow performing filter rules in 'Inbox assistant filters group' enable 'Inbox Assistant’ check box.

In the same way you can define the filter groups for outgoing messages (OUTBOX ASSISTANT group) and for execution filter rules after reading unread messages (READ ASSISTANT group).

Now click on 'OK' button to close and save all defined rules to MAPI profiles.


4. ExLife Description

In this chapter I'd like to describe all ExLife's feature. At first I start with description of ExLife options dialog box, then I mention variable types of performing filter rules action and finally I state other feature of ExLife.


4.1. Filters Property Sheet

Filters property sheet is the main dialog box for defining rules and actions which should be carried out when a message is received, sent or read (picture 4-1).

picture 4-1: ExLife options - filter property sheet

dialog box controls:

list box

  • list of all filters groups defined in ExLife

check boxes

  • Inbox assistant (online) - apply rules when the message arrives
  • Outbox assistant (online) - apply rules when the message is sent
  • Read assistant - apply rules when the message is read (doesn't work with MS Outlook 98/2000)
  • Run after start - apply inbox assistant rules on inbox folder when ExLife is started


  • Add - adds a new filters group to ExLife
  • Edit - revises and corrects all filter rules in selected filters group
  • View - shows all filters in selected filters group
  • Delete - allows to delete selected filters group with all filter rules in it
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes.


4.1.1. Rules

Filters group dialog box (picture 4-2) is the main station for defining, editing and deleting filter rules in selected filters group.

picture 4-2: ExLife options - Filter Group

dialog box controls:

list box

  • Filters - list of all filter rules defined in current filters group

radio buttons - Type

  • Inbox assistant
  • Outbox assistant
  • Read assistant
  • User defined

radio buttons - Interface

  • Simple
  • Advanced


  • up and down - change order of performing filter rules and their actions

edit box

  • Name - name of filters group if the user defined type is selected


  • Add - adds a new filter rule to current filters group
  • Edit - revises and corrects selected filter rule from current filters group
  • View - shows definition of selected filter rule
  • Delete - allows to delete selected filter rule from current filters group
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes Simple Interface

You're able to type a simple filter rule in this dialog box (picture 4-3). To get this dialog box you have to check off simple interface in 'Filters Group' dialog box (picture 4-2).

picture 4-3: ExLife options - Filter Item (simple rule definition)

dialog box controls:

edit box

  • Filter Name - name of filter rule
  • Value - place for message property value (with what message property is compared)

combo box

  • Properties - to select message property
  • Contain (Is) - type of comparison between message property and typed value. Contents is dependent on property types (closer information in rules (message) property chapter)

check boxes


  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes Advanced Interface (Boolean Expression)

To type a filter rule with using a Boolean expression you have to check off advanced interface in 'Filters Group' dialog box (picture 4-2).

Here is a small example how to define the Boolean expression. For example the filter rule for recipients whose address contains either 'exchange@' or 'massmail@' string but also the sender address mustn't contain '' string. In the picture 4-4 you can see defined this example. And now how to do it.

picture 4-4: ExLife options - Filter Item (advanced rule definition with Boolean expression)

Click on 'Add' button to enter first row of the Boolean expression. This action pops 'Choice part of Boolean expression' dialog box (picture 4-5).

For our example we first select 'Left bracket' line. Confirm a choice with 'OK' button. You're back in the 'Filter item - advanced interface' dialog box. as first line of our expression you can see the left bracket in the 'Boolean expression' list box. Now again click on 'Add' button and repeat selection. In this case select 'Rule' line which invokes the dialog box for typing simple filter rule (similar to picture 4-3). Type the first filter rule - 'to (recipient)' contain substring 'exchange@'. Close the simple rule dialog box with 'OK' button. You're again back in the 'Filter item - advanced interface' dialog box. Use the same instruction to add the rest of Boolean expression. You should get the same contents of the 'Boolean expression' list box as in the picture 4-4.

picture 4-5: Part of Boolean expression

dialog box controls:

edit box

  • Filter Name - name of filter rule

list box

  • Boolean expression - show the Boolean expression separated to its parts


  • up and down - change the order of Boolean expression parts


  • Add - adds a new part to Boolean expression
  • Edit - revises and corrects selected simple filter rule from Boolean expression
  • View - shows definition of selected simple filter rule from Boolean expression
  • Delete - allows to delete selected part from Boolean expression
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes Rules (message) property

from (sender) - message sender’s information

  • 'Filter item - simple interface' dialog box controls (picture 4-3):
  • Contain (Is) (combo box) - option settings defining the level of preciseness that the content restriction should enforce when checking for a match:
    • 'Fullstring' - to match, the searched string must be completely contained in the 'from (sender)' property
    • 'Substring' - to match, the searched string must be contained anywhere within the 'from (sender)' property
    • 'Prefix' - to match, the searched string must appear at the beginning of the 'from (sender)' property
  • Various (group of check boxes) contains 'Ignore case' check box. When it's checked off, the comparison should be made without considering case.
  • Search In (group of check boxes) - options defining with what the searched string will be compared:
    • 'Display name' - the search string is compared with sender name
    • 'Email address' - the searched string is compared with sender email address

to (recipient) - message recipient’s information

  • 'Filter item - simple interface' dialog box controls (picture 4-3):
  • Contain (Is) (combo box) - option settings defining the level of preciseness that the content restriction should enforce when checking for a match:
    • 'Fullstring' - to match, the searched string must be completely contained in the 'from (sender)' property
    • 'Substring' - to match, the searched string must be contained anywhere within the 'from (sender)' property
    • 'Prefix' - to match, the searched string must appear at the beginning of the 'from (sender)' property
  • Various (group of check boxes) contains 'Ignore case' check box. When it's checked off, the comparison should be made without considering case.
  • Search In (group of check boxes) - options defining with what the searched string will be compared:
    • 'Display name' - the search string is compared with sender name
    • 'Email address' - the searched string is compared with sender email address
      • 'To' - the searched string is compared with 'to' recipient type
      • 'Cc' - the searched string is compared with 'cc' recipient type
      • 'Bcc' - the searched string is compared with 'bcc' recipient type

address type - messaging recipient’s email address type, such as SMTP, COMPUSERVER, MS, FAX, ....

  • 'Filter item - simple interface' dialog box controls (picture 4-3):
  • Value (combo exit box) - edit box with predefined address types

header - transport-specific message envelope information.

  • 'Filter item - simple interface' dialog box controls (picture 4-3):
  • Contain (Is) (combo box) - option settings defining the level of preciseness that the content restriction should enforce when checking for a match:
    • 'Fullstring' - to match, the searched string must be completely contained in the 'from (sender)' property
    • 'Substring' - to match, the searched string must be contained anywhere within the 'from (sender)' property
    • 'Prefix' - to match, the searched string must appear at the beginning of the 'from (sender)' property
  • Various (group of check boxes) contains 'Ignore case' check box. When it's checked off, the comparison should be made without considering case.

has attachment - TRUE if a message contains at least one attachment.

  • 'Filter item - simple interface' dialog box controls (picture 4-3):
  • Value (radio buttons) - possible to select either True or False

is unread - TRUE if a message isn't read yet.

  • 'Filter item - simple interface' dialog box controls (picture 4-3):
  • Value (radio buttons) - possible to select either True or False

subject - the full subject of a message

  • 'Filter item - simple interface' dialog box controls (picture 4-3):
  • Contain (Is) (combo box) - option settings defining the level of preciseness that the content restriction should enforce when checking for a match:
    • 'Fullstring' - to match, the searched string must be completely contained in the 'from (sender)' property
    • 'Substring' - to match, the searched string must be contained anywhere within the 'from (sender)' property
    • 'Prefix' - to match, the searched string must appear at the beginning of the 'from (sender)' property
  • Various (group of check boxes) contains 'Ignore case' check box. When it's checked off, the comparison should be made without considering case.

message size (in bytes) - the sum of the sizes of all properties on a message object.

  • 'Filter item - simple interface' dialog box controls (picture 4-3):
  • Contain (Is) (combo box) - option settings defining relational operator to be used in the search. Possible values are:
    • '== Equal' - the comparison is made based on equal values
    • '<> Unequal' - the comparison is made based on unequal values
    • '<= Lesser or Equal' - the comparison is made based on a lesser or equal 'message size' property
    • '< Lesser' - the comparison is made based on a lesser 'message size' property
    • '>= Greater or Equal' - the comparison is made based on a greater or equal 'message size' property
    • '> Greater' - the comparison is made based on a greater 'message size' property

message - the message text.

  • 'Filter item - simple interface' dialog box controls (picture 4-3):
  • Contain (Is) (combo box) - option settings defining the level of preciseness that the content restriction should enforce when checking for a match:
    • 'Fullstring' - to match, the searched string must be completely contained in the 'message' property
    • 'Substring' - to match, the searched string must be contained anywhere within the 'message' property
    • 'Prefix' - to match, the searched string must appear at the beginning of the 'message' property
  • Various (group of check boxes) contains 'Ignore case' check box. When it's checked off, the comparison should be made without considering case. Rules Comparison

Example of string comparison methods.

fullstring comparison
Property (From: name) Content Value Result
MAPI-L Server FullString MAPI FALSE
MAPI-L Server FullString MAPI-L Server TRUE

substring comparison
Property (From: name) Content Value Result
MAPI-L Server SubString Server TRUE

prefix comparison
Property (From: name) Content Value Result
MAPI-L Server Prefix MAPI TRUE
MAPI-L Server Prefix Server FALSE


4.1.2. Actions

In 'Filter Item - Actions' dialog box (picture 4-6) you can attach actions to the filter rule. These actions will be performed when the message is fired by the filter rule.

picture 4-6: ExLife options - Filter Item (actions)

dialog box controls:

list box

  • Available actions - list of all actions which you can attach to the filter rule (all actions are described in the following chapters)
  • Chosen actions - list of all actions which are attached to the filter rule


  • Add - attach selected action from 'available actions' list box to the filter rule. Action is copied to 'Chosen actions' list box
  • Remove - remove selected action from 'Chosen actions' list box
  • Properties - to invoke a action dependent dialog box to set action properties
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes Move Action

Move the message to defined folder. Press 'Properties' button (picture 4-6) to invoke dialog box for choosing the destination folder (picture 3-5). File (sender) Action

File messages to subfolders under selected folder. The subfolder names are created from sender email address. e.g. if you get email from, it will be filed in ' (lmokry)' subfolder.
This action is useful for received messages. File (recipient) Action

File messages to subfolders under selected folder. The subfolder names are created from recipient email address. e.g. if you send email to, it will be filed in ' (support)' subfolder.
This action is useful for sent messages. Copy Action

Copy the message to defined folder. Press 'Properties' button (picture 4-6) to invoke dialog box for choosing the destination folder (picture 3-5). Delete Action

Delete the message. Beware! The message is definitely erased. If you only want to move it to waste basket folder, use move action to do it. Mark as Read Action

The message is marked as read. Mark as Unread Action

The message is marked as unread. Redirect Action

The message is sent to defined recipient in unchanged format. It's possible to keep original sender and recipients information (including reply to address if it's defined) - picture 4-7.

ExLife must be installed on redirect message recipient side of too. If it's not, the preserved original message information won't be restored. And also is necessary to check off 'Set original sender and recipient addresses during receiving messages' check box in the ExLife options - others property sheet (chapter 4.4., picture 4-16).

picture 4-7: Redirect properties

dialog box controls:

check boxes

  • Preserve sender - the original sender information will be kept
  • Preserve Reply To - the original reply to information will be kept
  • Preserve Recipients - the original recipients information will be kept
  • Keep sent message - the sent redirect message will be stored in sent items folder


  • Recipients - define recipients of redirect message (picture 4-8)
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting change

picture 4-8: Redirect - Recipients Address List Forward Action

The message is forward to defined recipient. It's possible to customize the forward message form - picture 4-9.

picture 4-9: Forward properties

dialog box controls:

edit box

  • Forwarded text - type the text which is include as annotation to forwarded message
  • Subject prefix - you can define message subject prefix. If the field is blank the default prefix (FW:) is used
  • Subject - define forwarded message subject. Leave it blank if you want to use the original message subject

check boxes

  • Take forwarded text from file - take forwarded message annotation from file
  • Include original text - check off this box if you want to include the original message text (with header)
  • Include original attachments - check it off to forward the original message attachments
  • Insert signature - check it of to insert signature defined either in the Signature property sheet or in the ExSign extension
  • Keep sent message - the sent forward message will be stored in sent items folder
  • Delivery receipt - request for a delivery receipt for the forwarded message
  • Read receipt - request for a read receipt for the forwarded message

list box

  • Attached files - list of files which you want to attach to forwarded message

radio buttons

  • Above/Below forwarded text - put the original message text above or below included annotation


  • Browse - select the text file with annotation (also RTF file support)
  • Recipients - define recipients of forwarded message (similar to picture 4-7)
  • Add - attach new file to message
  • Delete  - delete selected attachment from attached files
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes Reply Action

The message reply is sent to the original message sender (as choice also to other original message recipients). It's possible to customize the message reply form - picture 4-10.

picture 4-10: Reply properties

dialog box controls:

edit box

  • Reply text - type the text which is include as annotation to message reply
  • Subject prefix - you can define message subject prefix. If the field is blank the default prefix (RE:) is used
  • Subject - define forwarded message subject. Leave it blank if you want to use the original message subject

check boxes

  • Take reply text from file - take message reply message annotation from file
  • Include original text - check off this box if you want to include the original message text (with header)
  • Insert signature - check it of to insert signature defined either in the Signature property sheet or in the ExSign extension
  • Reply to all - the message reply is sent to the original message sender and recipients
  • Keep sent message - the sent message reply will be stored in sent items folder
  • Delivery receipt - request for a delivery receipt for the message reply
  • Read receipt - request for a read receipt for the message reply

list box

  • Attached files - list of files which you want to attach to message reply

radio buttons

  • Above/Below reply text - put the original message text above or below included annotation


  • Browse - select the text file with annotation (also RTF file support)
  • Priority - set reply address priority (picture 4-11)
  • Add - attach new file to message
  • Delete  - delete selected attachment from attached files
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes

picture 4-11: Reply address priority Address Book Manager Action

This action adds the message sender or recipients to MS Exchange (Outlook) address book. As the address book you can choose either a Contact folder (MS Outlook) or a Personal address book. The dialog box (picture 4-12) allows you to customize the address book manager.

picture 4-12: address book manager properties

dialog box controls:

radio buttons: Address Book - choose with address book you want to use

  • 'Outlook contact folder'
  • 'Personal address book'

radio buttons: Work with Address of - which addresses you want to store in address book

  • 'Sender' - the message sender's information is stored in the address book
  • 'Recipients' - the message recipients' information is stored in the address book
  • 'Sender & Recipients' - the message sender's and recipients' information is stored in the address book

radio buttons: Actions - what action will be performed

  • 'Add to address book' - address is added to the address book
  • 'Modify address book' - not implemented yet
  • 'Delete from address book' - address is removed from the address book

check boxes: Attributes  - customize behaviour during managing address book

  • ‘Don’t add item if exist’ - if it’s checked off, contact is add to a book only if it doesn’t exist in the book
  • ‘Modify all occurrence’ - modification is applied to all occurrence which are found
  • ‘Delete all occurrence’ - if it’s checked off, all items in the address book which have the same email address as email’s sender are deleted

edit boxes

  • Categories - type categories (divide by semicolons) for this contact (only available when Outlook contact folder is selected)
  • Comment - type text which is stored in contact comment field (only available when Outlook contact folder is selected)


  • Folder - choose in which Outlook contact folder you want to store addresses (only available when Outlook contact folder is selected)
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes Print Action

This action can print messages' body and attached files. If you want to print attached files, they must be associated with programs which will print those files (e.g. .doc files will print MS Word, .xls files MS Excel, .tif files Imaging for Windows, ...). It means that you can also print incoming faxes with this action. Picture 4-13 shows dialog box to customize print action parameters.

picture 4-13: print message properties

dialog box controls:

radio buttons: What to print ? - determine what from message will be printed
  • Print message - message's body is printed
  • Print attachments - message's attachments are printed (with using associated program to attachments' extension)
  • Print message & attachments - both are printed

check boxes

  • Do not include the header to the message - the message body is printed without message header information
  • Set Font - enable
  • Use selected printer also for attachment printing - use selected printed also for printing attached files. otherwise the default printer is used
  • Print page header with subject information - page header will contain message subject. Evaluation version will also contain the following text: "(TRIAL VERSION OF EXLIFE)" and won't be possible to disable header printing.
  • Print page footer with page numbering - page footer will contain the page number


  • Font - select font for printing message's body if message is not in RTF format
  • Printer - select printer for printing message's body and attachments
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes Save Attachments Action

This action can save messages' attachments to defined disk folder and then launch a program with save attachment as argument. Picture 4-14 shows dialog box to customize save attachments action parameters.

picture 4-14: Save attachments properties

dialog box controls:

check boxes

  • save attachment with the following filename - use 'Filename' for saving attached files
  • unique filename - a unique suffix will be added to filename if the same file already exists in output folder. if the checkbox is disable, then the existing file will be replaced with the new one
  • delete attachments - after successful attachment saving, the attached file will be removed from the message
  • enable - enable to run selected program after attachment saving

edit line

  • Filename - fixed filename for saving attachment
  • Arguments - program arguments, symbol <FILE> will be replaced with saved attachment filename


  • Path - select folder for saving attachments
  • Command line - select program to run with the saved attachment as a parameter
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes Save Message Action

This action can save message text to defined disk folder and then run an application with saved file as argument. Picture 4-15 shows dialog box to customize save message action parameters.

picture 4-15: save attachments properties

dialog box controls:

radio buttons

  • random name - filename is created from random number (8 digits)
  • composed name - filename is created from a subject and time
  • fixed name - save text with the following filename - use 'Fixed Name' for saving text files
  • plain text/RTF text - type of saved text file.

check boxes

  • composed name's items - select components of the filename ('Subject', 'Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Time')
  • don't add header info - if you enable this box, the message header information won't be added to saved text file.
  • don't add attach. info - if you enable this box, the information about attached files won't be added to saved text file.
  • delete message - if you enable this box, the message will be moved to the waste folder after successful processing.
  • enable - enable to run selected program after message text saving

edit line

  • Extension - the extension of saved file
  • Fixed Name - fixed filename for saving message text
  • Arguments - program arguments, symbol <FILE> will be replaced with saved text filename


  • Path - select folder for saving text message file
  • Command line - select program to run with the saved text file as a parameter
  • OK - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel - close dialog box without accepting changes Run a Program Action

This action launch a defined program when the filer rule is fired. As a program parameter is passed a MAPI entry identifier used to open the message (which invokes this action) in the launched program. The entry ID is passed as a hexadecimal string.

Press 'Properties' button (picture 4-6) to pop dialog box for choosing launched program. Stop Processing Action


4.2. Folder Assistant

picture 4-16: ExLife options - Folder Assistant


4.3. Virtual Folders

For example you want to have a search folder which contain all messages with words ‘Internet’ and ‘Marketing’. Virtual folder is what you are looking for. Their definition is the same as definition filter rules. (picture 4-17).

picture 4-17: ExLife options - Virtual Folders

In the next picture (picture 4-18) you can see definition of ‘Unread message folder’. In this folder all unread messages are shown from all personal folders (the messages aren’t stored there).

picture 4-18: Unread messages folder definition


4.4. Signature

ExLife also enables you to add a signature to outgoing messages. To define a signature fill out the ‘Signature’ sheet in ‘ExLife - options’ dialog box (picture 4-19). Also don’t forget check the ‘Enable signature’ check box.

picture 4-19: ExLife options - Signature

The ”Signature Feature” is not compatible with the WordMail extensions from MS Word (when you’re using MS Word for composing messages).

picture 4-20: Signature - Reply Message form

In message form (picture 4-20) you can impress signature behaviour. To enable/disable appending signature use ‘Insert.Signature’ menu command or ‘S’ button from toolbar.

If ExSign is installed, ExLife's signature feature is switch off. Instead of is using advanced signature feature from ExSign extension.


4.5. Others

'ExLife options - Others' (picture 4-21) dialog box allow you to set-up a lot of useful parameters. More information about them you find below

picture 4-21: ExLife options - Others property sheet

dialog box controls:

group Reply & Forward - set parameters for reply and forward actions and reply message form

  • 'Original font text' (button) - set original text font if original message is not in RTF format
  • 'Reply prefix font' (button) - set font for reply prefix
  • 'When replying to messages, indent original text with' (check box & edit box) - to allow quoted reply form and define prefix for it (prefix is also used for reply action
  • 'When replying to (or forwarding) messages, wrap original text at ... characters per line' (edit box) - number of characters per line for wrapping original text

check boxes Toolbar button

  • to select which buttons appear in the toolbar you can use check boxes in this dialog box. This choice is mainly useful for Outlook where is impossible to manage add-on’s buttons in the toolbar.

check boxes Redirect - set parameter for incoming messages generated by redirect action

  • 'Set original sender and recipient addresses during receiving messages' (check box) - allow to return original sender and recipient information to redirected messages (chapter after they are received
  • enable (passport protection) - enable password protection for ExLife options

edit line

  • Password/Confirm - password for protection of ExLife options


  • Import/Export filter rules & action (buttons) - backup and restore filter rules to file
  • OK (button) - close dialog box with accepting all changes
  • Cancel (button) - close dialog box without accepting changes


4.6. Actions Processing

It's possible to process actions either manually (offline) or automatically (online). More information you find in the following sections.


4.6.1. Online

In this mode actions are carried out when incoming, outgoing or read message fire the filter rule. Then is started corresponding actions which are defined in that filter rule.

To allow online applying rules on messages you have to select which one you want to perform (picture 4-1).

  • inbox assistant - the filter rules are automatically processed after incoming messages are received
  • outbox assistant - the filter rules are automatically processed after outgoinf messages are sent
  • folder assistant - the filter rules are automatically processed after messages are added to defined folders
  • read assistant - the filter rules are automatically processed after unread messages are read (doesn't work with MS Outlook 98/2000)


4.6.2. Offline

First select the folder you want to filter. Then select a menu item ‘Tools.Filter - Offline Inbox Assistant’ (picture 4-22) or buttons from toolbar to start the filtering process. Now you can choose suitable group of filters (if you select ‘All Filters’ menu command and if you have entered more than one group)

picture 4-22: Offline filtering


4.7. Actions Processing

4.7.1. Recipients Information

‘Recipient Info’ is a very useful function to show information about ‘Bcc’ Recipients of sent messages (picture 4-23).

picture 4-23: Recipient information


4.7.2. Resend Form

To resend email use ‘Compose.Resend’ command from the main menu. Resend form appear and you can repair information in resend email and then send it in the same way as a new email.


4.7.3. Resend Form

To use quoted reply form instead of standard MS Exchange (Outlook) you have to check off 'When replying to messages, indent original text with' check box in the 'ExLife options - Others' dialog box (picture 4-21).


5. Purchase

ExLife is not a free software

You have the opportunity to try the program 30 days at no charge to see if it meets your needs. If you continue to use the program after the evaluation, please order a license. Credit card ordering and quantity discounts are available. More details you can find on Purchase a License page.

product single license site license worldwide license
ExLife Std US$29.95 US$399.00 US$899.00
ExLife Pro US$39.95 US$499.00 US$1199.00
a single license covers one PC.
a site license covers a single organization for an area of up to 10 miles (16 kilometers) in radius.
a world-wide license covers everyone in a single organization.

product multicopies discount
1 2-5 6-10 11-25 26-50 51-100 101+
ExLife Std US$29.95 US$20.96 US$18.27 US$15.57 US$12.88 US$10.18 US$8.98
ExLife Pro US$39.95 US$27.96 US$24.37 US$20.77 US$17.18 US$13.58 US$11.98

Buy It Now! - Purchase ExLife Online
a single license covers one PC.
a site license covers a single organization for an area of up to 10 miles (16 kilometers) in radius.
a world-wide license covers everyone in a single organization.


6. User Groups / Shareware Distributors

PC User Groups and Shareware Distributors are welcome to add CaPrint to their libraries under the following conditions:

  • The program itself must be unmodified
  • A diskette/copying fee of $5 or less is charged
  • All documentation files MUST be included.

I would appreciate notification that you have added ExLife to your library.



7. Disclaimer

The copyright owner disclaims all warranties and is not liable for damages of any kind. By using ExLife you agree to this.


8. Where To Get This Extension

Please either visit download page on our website or click on this download exlife link.


9. Other Extensions

ExLife version 1.53 build 1531, released on 24th November 1999
ExLife provides actions based on filter rules which are executed after message is delivered, read or sent. Also it's possible to invoke them manually. The actions are: moving or copying messages to different folders, deleting, marking as read, redirecting, forwarding and replying messages, address book manager, run a program, print a message, save message's attachments.
Another features are: Boolean expression in filter rules, attached files in autoreply, virtual folders, import/export rules&actions, quoted reply form, resend form, signature.

ExSign version 1.2 build 1200, released on 24th June 1998
ExSign provides advanced signature feature. Signature can be different for each transport service provider (SMTP, MS, FAX, AOL, ...) and message type (new, reply, forward, ...).
The signature source in text file is also supported. Text file can be in RTF file format.
ExSign co-operates with ExLife.

CaBook version 1.1 build 1101, released on 20th October 1999
CaBook adds address book manager action to Rules Wizard or Inbox Assistant. It can add sender's and recipients' email addresses to Outlook Contact Folder or Personal Address Book. Also it is possible to delete these addresses from it.

CaPrint version 1.22 build 1220, released on 25th November 1999
CaPrint action adds to Rules wizard or Inbox assistant possibility to print messages. Either message's body or message's attachments (faxes, doc, xls, gif, ...) can be printed.

CaRedirect version 1.2 build 1201, released on 29th September 1999
CaRedirect action allows Rules Wizard or Inbox Assistant to redirect (send) message to defined recipients with keeping the original sender's and recipients' information.

CaSaveAtt version 1.3 build 1300, released on 20th October 1999
CaSaveAtt actions adds to Rules Wizard or Inbox Assistant possibility to save message's attachments to defined directory and launch exe with the attached file as a parameter.

CaSaveMsg version 1.2 build 1201, released on 20th October 1999
CaSaveMsg actions adds to Rules Wizard or Inbox Assistant possibility to save message body to defined directory either in plain or in RTF file format. There is also possibility to launch exe with a saved file as a parameter.

CaTrap version 1.01 build 1014, released on 19th January 1999
CaTrap extension adds Message Extract Manager action to Rules Wizard or Inbox Assistant. It can extract data information from an incoming message fields or their segments and export it to the file or store it to any folder or to the Personal Address Book.

PopRoute version 1.05 build 1050, released on 9th May 1999 ---
PopRoute picks up emails from POP3 accounts and routes them to MS Exchange Server mailboxes.

DeRedirect version 1.1 build 1100, released on 19th October 1999 ---
DeRedirect is a decoding utility which decode received messages redirected either by CaRedirect or ExLife. It is necessary to install this utility if CaRedirect or ExLife is not installed in exchange/outlook client.

RcpInfo version 1.1 build 1100, released on 15th March 1998 ---
RcpInfo allows the user to show information about all recipients (To, Cc, Bcc) - in outgoing messages.


10. How To Contact Us

mailing address
ORNIC Technologies, Inc.
10 College Terrace, Suite #50
Docklands, London E3 5AN
Great Britain
notice: Our company is not registered in UK.
information :
support :
development :
contact person
email : Ludek Mokry
pager :
icq :
phone : +420 (603) 447148
fax : +1 (208) 955-6072, +420 (5) 48520007

*)  Uvedené ceny obsahují 5% slevu a jsou platné jen pro nákup v internetovém obchodě Studna Online. Na objednávky přijaté poštou, faxem, telefonem, emailem se tato sleva nevztahuje.
**)  Všechny ceny jsou uvedené bez 5% DPH.

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