Many of the Latin-1 set of printing characters may be represented within the text of an HTML document by a character entity.
The reasons why it may be beneficial to use character entity references instead of directly typing the required characters are as described in the numerical entity references. I.e. to compensate for keyboards that don't contain the required characters (such as characters common in many European languages) and where the characters may be recognised as SGML coding.
A character entity is represented in an HTML document as an SGML entity whose name is defined in the HTML DTD. The HTML DTD includes a character entity for each of the SGML markup characters and for each of the printing characters in the upper half of Latin-1, so that one may reference them by name if it is inconvenient to enter them directly:
E.g. the ampersand (&), double quotes ("), lesser (<) and greater (>) characters
Kurt Gödel was a famous logician and mathematician.
NOTE: To ensure that a string of characters is not interpreted as markup, represent all occurrences of <, >, and & by character or entity references.
The following entity names are used in HTML, always prefixed by ampersand (&) and followed by a semicolon. The following table lists each of the characters specified in the Added Latin 1 entity set, along with its name, syntax for use, and description. This list is derived from ISO Standard 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN. HTML supports the entire entity set.
Name | Syntax | Description | Appearance |
Aacute | Á | Capital A, acute accent | Á |
Agrave | À | Capital A, grave accent | À |
Acirc | Â | Capital A, circumflex accent | Â |
Atilde | Ã | Capital A, tilde | Ã |
Aring | Å | Capital A, ring | Å |
Auml | Ä | Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark | Ä |
AElig | Æ | Capital AE dipthong (ligature) | Æ |
Ccedil | Ç | Capital C, cedilla | Ç |
Eacute | É | Capital E, acute accent | É |
Egrave | È | Capital E, grave accent | È |
Ecirc | Ê | Capital E, circumflex accent | Ê |
Euml | Ë | Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark | Ë |
Iacute | Í | Capital I, acute accent | Í |
Igrave | Ì | Capital I, grave accent | Ì |
Icirc | Î | Capital I, circumflex accent | Î |
Iuml | Ï | Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark | Ï |
ETH | Ð | Capital Eth, Icelandic | Ð |
Ntilde | Ñ | Capital N, tilde | Ñ |
Oacute | Ó | Capital O, acute accent | Ó |
Ograve | Ò | Capital O, grave accent | Ò |
Ocirc | Ô | Capital O, circumflex accent | Ô |
Otilde | Õ | Capital O, tilde | Õ |
Ouml | Ö | Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark | Ö |
Oslash | Ø | Capital O, slash | Ø |
Uacute | Ú | Capital U, acute accent | Ú |
Ugrave | Ù | Capital U, grave accent | Ù |
Ucirc | Û | Capital U, circumflex accent | Û |
Uuml | Ü | Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark | Ü |
Yacute | Ý | Capital Y, acute accent | Ý |
THORN | Þ | Capital THORN, Icelandic | Þ |
Szlig | ß | Small sharp s, German (sz ligature) | ß |
aacute | á | Small a, acute accent | á |
agrave | à | Small a, grave accent | à |
acirc | â | Small a, circumflex accent | â |
atilde | ã | Small a, tilde | ã |
aring | å | Small a, ring | å |
auml | ä | Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark | ä |
aelig | æ | Small ae dipthong (ligature) | æ |
ccedil | ç | Small c, cedilla | ç |
eacute | é | Small e, acute accent | é |
egrave | è | Small e, grave accent | è |
ecirc | ê | Small e, circumflex accent | ê |
euml | ë | Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark | ë |
iacute | í | Small i, acute accent | í |
igrave | ì | Small i, grave accent | ì |
icirc | î | Small i, circumflex accent | î |
iuml | ï | Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark | ï |
eth | ð | Small eth, Icelandic | ð |
ntilde | ñ | Small n, tilde | ñ |
oacute | ó | Small o, acute accent | ó |
ograve | ò | Small o, grave accent | ò |
ocirc | ô | Small o, circumflex accent | ô |
otilde | õ | Small o, tilde | õ |
ouml | ö | Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark | ö |
oslash | ø | Small o, slash | ø |
uacute | ú | Small u, acute accent | ú |
ugrave | ù | Small u, grave accent | ù |
ucirc | û | Small u, circumflex accent | û |
uuml | ü | Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark | ü |
yacute | ý | Small y, acute accent | ý |
thorn | þ | Small thorn, Icelandic | þ |
yuml | ÿ | Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark | ÿ |
reg | ® | Registered TradeMark | ® |
copy | © | Copyright | © |
trade | ™ | TradeMark | ™ |
nbsp | | Non breaking space |