In addition to any mechanism by which characters may be represented by the encoding of the HTML document, it is possible to explicitly reference the printing characters of the Latin-1 character encoding using a numeric character reference.

There are two principle cases for using a numeric character reference. Firstly, some keyboards may not provide the necessary characters (such as those that use accents, cedilla's, dieresis marks etc.,) commonly used in European languages. Secondly, some characters would be interpreted as SGML coding (e,g, the ampersand &, double quotes " and lesser < and greater than > characters) and so should be referred to by numerical references.

Numeric character references are represented in an HTML document as SGML entities whose name is number sign (#) followed by a numeral from 32-126 and 161-255. The HTML DTD includes a numeric character for each of the printing characters of the Latin-1 encoding, so that one may reference them by number if it is inconvenient to enter them directly:

E.g. the ampersand (&#38;), double quotes (&#34;), lesser (&#60;) and greater (&#62;) characters

The following entity names are used in HTML, always prefixed by ampersand (&) and followed by a semicolon. This list, sorted numerically, is derived from ISO-8859-1 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character set:

Reference Description Appearance
&#00- &#08Unused
&#09Horizontal tab
&#10Line feed
&#11 - &#31Unused
&#33Exclamation mark !
&#34Quotation mark"
&#35Number sign#
&#36Dollar sign$
&#37Percent sign%
&#40Left parenthesis (
&#41Right parenthesis )
&#43Plus sign+
&#46Period (full stop) .
&#47Solidus (slash)/
&#48- &#57Digits 0-9
&#60Less than<
&#61Equals sign=
&#62Greater than>
&#63Question mark?
&#64Commercial at@
&#91Left square bracket [
&#92Reverse solidus (backslash) \
&#93Right square bracket ]
&#95Horizontal bar_
&#96Acute accent`
&#97- &#122Letters a-z
&#123Left curly brace {
&#124Vertical bar}
&#125Right curly brace }
&#127 - &#160Unused
&#161Inverted exclamation ¡
&#162Cent sign¢
&#163Pound sterling£
&#164General currency sign ¤
&#165Yen sign¥
&#166Broken vertical bar ¦
&#167Section sign§
&#168Umlaut (dieresis) ¨
&#170Feminine ordinal ª
&#171Left angle quote, guillemot left «
&#172Not sign¬
&#173Soft hyphen­
&#174Registered trademark ®
&#175Macron accent¯
&#176Degree sign°
&#177Plus or minus±
&#178Superscript two ²
&#179Superscript three ³
&#180Acute accent´
&#181Micro signµ
&#182Paragraph sign
&#183Middle dot·
&#185Superscript one ¹
&#186Masculine ordinal º
&#187Right angle quote, guillemot right »
&#188Fraction one-fourth ¼
&#189Fraction one-half ½
&#190Fraction three-fourths ¾
&#191Inverted question mark ¿
&#192Capital A, acute accent À
&#193Capital A, grave accent Á
&#194Capital A, circumflex accent Â
&#195Capital A, tilde Ã
&#196Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark Ä
&#197Capital A, ring Å
&#198Capital AE dipthong (ligature) Æ
&#199Capital C, cedilla Ç
&#200Capital E, acute accent È
&#201Capital E, grave accent É
&#202Capital E, circumflex accent Ê
&#203Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark Ë
&#204Capital I, acute accent Ì
&#205Capital I, grave accent Í
&#206Capital I, circumflex accent Î
&#207Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark Ï
&#208Capital Eth, Icelandic Ð
&#209Capital N, tilde Ñ
&#210Capital O, acute accent Ò
&#211Capital O, grave accent Ó
&#212Capital O, circumflex accent Ô
&#213Capital O, tilde Õ
&#214Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark Ö
&#215Multiply sign×
&#216Capital O, slash Ø
&#217Capital U, acute accent Ù
&#218Capital U, grave accent Ú
&#219Capital U, circumflex accent Û
&#220Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark Ü
&#221Capital Y, acute accent Ý
&#222Capital THORN, Icelandic Þ
&#223Small sharp s, German (sz ligature) ß
&#224Small a, acute accent à
&#225Small a, grave accent á
&#226Small a, circumflex accent â
&#227Small a, tildeã
&#228Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark ä
&#229Small a, ringå
&#230Small ae dipthong (ligature) æ
&#231Small c, cedilla ç
&#232Small e, acute accent è
&#233Small e, grave accent é
&#234Small e, circumflex accent ê
&#235Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark ë
&#236Small i, acute accent ì
&#237Small i, grave accent í
&#238Small i, circumflex accent î
&#239Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark ï
&#240Small eth, Icelandic ð
&#241Small n, tildeñ
&#242Small o, acute accent ò
&#243Small o, grave accent ó
&#244Small o, circumflex accent ô
&#245Small o, tildeõ
&#246Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark ö
&#247Division sign÷
&#248Small o, slashø
&#249Small u, acute accent ù
&#250Small u, grave accent ú
&#251Small u, circumflex accent û
&#252Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark ü
&#253Small y, acute accent ý
&#254Small thorn, Icelandic þ
&#255Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark ÿ

Character Entity References Character Data Overview