The Paragraph element indicates a paragraph of text. No specification has ever attempted to define exactly the indentation of paragraph blocks and this may be a function of other elements, style sheets, etc.
Typically, paragraphs should be surrounded by a vertical space of between one and one and a half lines.. With some HTML user agents, the first line in a paragraph may be indented.
Example of use:
<H1>The Paragraph element</H1>
<P>The paragraph element is used to denote paragraph blocks</P>
<P>This would be the second paragraph.</P>
Included in the HTML 3.2 specification is the ability to align paragraphs.
Basically, the ALIGN=left|center|right attribute and values have been added to the <P>
e.g :
<P ALIGN=LEFT> ... </P>
All text with in the paragraph will be aligned to the left side of the page layout. This setting is equal to the default <P>
All text within the paragraph will be aligned to the centre of the page. (c.f. <CENTER> ... </CENTER>
<P ALIGN=RIGHT> ... </P>
All text will be aligned to the right side of the page.
can also take the CLASS, ID and STYLE attributes to allow style sheet definitions to be applied to it. For more details of these attributes, see the Style Sheets topic.