The List of Lists Champion

What is the "List of Lists" Champion?

This is the largest and most comprehensive directory of Internet Mailing Lists you will find anywhere! It is the ONLY directory that has over 15,000 mailing lists and factsheets combined from over 2,500 different sites around the globe. 2,500+ different sites allows for a greater variety and a more comprehensive directory.

Prior to the "List of Lists" Champion you had to be satisfied using current on-line directories on the World Wide Web, whose mailing lists were taken from little more than 200 sites. With little more than 200 sites, these directories claimed to be comprehensive. Other directories are made up entirely from the mailing lists on the Bitnet Network, which makes up only about 20% of the "List of Lists" Champion. With 2,500+ different sites, the "List of Lists" Champion is clearly the most diverse and comprehensive directory available.

15,000 Internet mailing lists/factsheets combined?

YES !!! Mailing lists are forums that allow people to discuss similar interests with large audiences. You can also receive various announcements, news, electronic journals, and more. Unlike mailing lists, factsheets are not sent to you on a continuous basis. A factsheet is a one time transmission of information on a particular subject. This directory contains over 12,000 Internet mailing lists and over 3,000 factsheets. The directory is completely indexed with 265 subjects listed alphabetically to ensure you will find just what you are looking for.

Was this information automatically derived?

Absolutely NOT !!! Software that automatically derives listings (i.e.: search-engines and robots) is not very useful in compiling a directory of Internet mailing lists. Software of this nature cannot differentiate between publicly accessible mailing lists and internal mailing lists. For example, of the approximately 6,000 LISTSERV mailing lists on the Bitnet Network, 2,900 of them are included in this directory because the rest I determined to be internal.

How was this directory created?

I queried each site directly to find out what mailing lists existed at their site. Then I read each mailing list description to determine which ones were non-internal. Finally, each of these mailing lists was categorized by subject(s) and entered into the directory. This was done for all 15,000+ entries!

How accurate is the "List of Lists" Champion?

About every six months I re-query the sites running the major software programs, the most recent being before the release of this directory. Then I compare my directory's entries with each site's entries. In addition to this, approximately 1,000 mailing list owners have sent me information on their mailing list. To the best of my knowledge, the information in this directory is current and accurate. However some changes inevitably occur due to a mailing list discontinuing from lack of interest or moving to another site. It has been my experience that most mailing lists are relatively stable as long as there is a continuing interest in the subject.

What format is the "List of Lists" Champion in?

The entire directory is written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML), which is a language that transforms plain text documents into electronic hypertext documents with links (called Hyperlinks). Hyperlinks create associations leading to other resources (very similar to using Windows help files). All relevant addresses are Hyperlinked in this directory. All you will have to do when you receive the two disks is to run the "setup" program, which installs the "List of Lists" Champion (9.5 megabytes uncompressed) onto your hard-drive. Then you will use the "File - Open" option in your WWW browser's menu and open the "List of Lists" Champion's Home Page (i.e. c:\champion\home.htm). Once you select a subject of interest from the Hyperlinked index, you will be presented with that subject's Hyperlinked mailing lists/factsheets, with each entry in the format below.

Title of Mailing list or Factsheet

Format:                  What type & other options  
Language:                What languages are supported
Subscription Address:    Hyperlinked subscription address
Subscription Method:     What to put in your mailer's Subject/Body
Owner/Moderator:         Hyperlinked to the owner's address
FTP Address:             Hyperlinked FTP address (optional)
WWW Address:             Hyperlinked WWW Address (optional)
Newsgroup:               Hyperlinked Newsgroup (optional) 
Keywords:                Where this entry is indexed
For a detailed look at the format, along with some examples, click here.

How can I get the "List of Lists" Champion?

Other Internet resource directories cost up to $54 for their smaller and less comprehensive directories. One on-line resource in particular is charging $39 for software that will allow you to subscribe to mailing lists in their Bitnet Network directory (approximately 20% of the "List of Lists" Champion mailing lists). With the "List of Lists" Champion and a WWW browser, not only can you subscribe to mailing lists, you can launch yourself directly to any FTP site, WWW site, and Newsgroup in the directory instantly!!! You can receive the largest and most comprehensive directory of over 12,000 Internet mailing lists and over 3,000 factsheets for only $29. The "List of Lists" Champion enables you to leisurely browse through its 265 subjects off-line, saving you time and money. Find out what's REALLY out there in the world of mailing lists!!! Fill out the "List of Lists" Champion's order form today and receive as a bonus over 5,000 Hyperlinked UseNet newsgroups organized by hierarchy !!! A grand total of over 20,000 mailing lists, factsheets, and newsgroups !!!

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Copyright © 1995 Ken Ramsthaler