Cryptography Tools

CipherPak  v2.0


Fast Encrypt  v1.2


F.E.D.  v1.1


Global Security  v3.10


Hide & Seek  v4.1


Potassium Hydroxide  v1.0


Mutation  v1.00


ParadoX Encryption  v1.01


PGP Freeware  v5.0


Puffer  v2.0


Scramble  Plus


SecureDrive  v1.3c


Secret Sharer  v1.0


Steganos for Win95  v1.0


Steganos  v1.4


S-Tools  v4.0


Super IDEA  v1.0


BrydDES  v1.0


CaesarCrypt  v1.0


CaesarCrypt  v2.0


Crypt Breakers  Workbench


Encrypt/Decrypt  v3.0


darkription.alog.sde  v1.0pr


DES Key Recovery  Software v0.3


Data Lock  v2.0


Global Security  v3.40


Kremlin  v1.04


Snow WIN  v1.0


Snow DOS  v1.0


Snow UNIX  v1.0


UUEncode/Decode  v5.22



WARNING! READ CAREFULLY! This cd-rom contains information and tools that can be used to exploit computer and network security. The primary purpose of this CD-ROM is to aid security professionals in combating the tools and techniques used by malicious hackers. Under no circumstances should this CD-ROM be used to illegally circumvent computer or network security.