Network Setup

Once OfficeTalk has been installed from the installation disk, all other workstations may be Setup over the network using the NETSETUP utility.

Note: The Network Setup should only be run after the Supervisor has been established as a user in the system. This is because OfficeTalk treats the first person who runs the application as the initial supervisor.

Using File Manager, locate the newly created OfficeTalk directory (for example, F:\OTALK, or whatever you entered in the Database Path field in the SETUP program). Either double click on the file netsetup.exe or use the File/Run pull down menu and use Browse to locate netsetup.exe.

Locating the NETSETUP.EXE application

When you run NETSETUP.EXE, OfficeTalk pops up an OfficeTalk Network Setup dialog box.

OfficeTalk Network Setup

This dialog box offers you the option of running the executable files from the network or running them from the local drive. If you want to install the executable files locally, select the Copy and run locally radio button and enter a drive and path where you wish the executables to be copied to. OfficeTalk provides a default path (which is C:\OTALK). Press . If you enter a drive or a

path which either exists or is invalid OfficeTalk Network Setup will prevent you from moving on warning you that the path entered is not valid. Enter a valid path and then press .

If you want to run the executable files from the network (the default), click on the Run executables from server radio button and press .

When you press , OfficeTalk Setup will copy across the application files, create a new Program Group and put the OfficeTalk application icon and the OfficeTalk Help icon into the group.

OfficeTalk Setup will then inform you that it has installed OfficeTalk successfully. You are given the choice of running OfficeTalk straight away or returning to Windows.

Successful Installation dialog box

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