How do I Install OfficeTalk onto a Novell Network?

  1. Before starting the OfficeTalk installation in a Netware environment if multiple Netware servers exist, a choice must be made as to which network server will act as the 'OfficeTalk Server' (i.e. the machine on which the central OfficeTalk database resides). This choice must be made as OfficeTalk does not support multiple servers in the current release. This choice should be made based on the following considerations:-
  2. Any network node requiring access to OfficeTalk must be able to connect to the machine designated as the OfficeTalk Server.
  3. It must have sufficient resources to hold the OfficeTalk database and meet the demands placed on it by the OfficeTalk users.
  4. Having chosen a suitable server (e.g. SERVER1) a decision must be made as to which network volume (e.g. ADMIN:) and directory (e.g. \OTALK) the OfficeTalk database will be created in. This choice should be made based on the following considerations:-
  5. Having made the above decisions you can now start the OfficeTalk installation procedure.
  6. From a machine with a suitable network mapping perform the installation . Using the example we have demonstrated so far the database path requested by the installation program would be Q:\OTALK. The executable path requested by the installation program can be a different path to the database path if you wish to keep the OfficeTalk data files separate to the OfficeTalk program files.
  7. The next stage of installation must be performed on each of the machines that will be running OfficeTalk excluding the machine used in step 6 above. Perform the network setup . The network setup will ask whether to copy the OfficeTalk executables locally or run them from the server. It is recommended that the executables are run from the server as this will greatly ease the upgrade process in the future.
  8. OfficeTalk should now be installed and ready to use.

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