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Xoom Photo

To Install:

MS Explorer users
  • Step 1. Click here to bring up the Internet Explorer dialog box (window). Select the "Open it" radio button in the dialog box and click "OK". If your are asked to confirm your choice, click "YES". Follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation.

  • Step 2. Once installed, you will find Xoom Photo inside the Xoom Program Group. You can find the Xoom Program Group by clicking on the START button on the bottom left corner of your Windows 95 screen. Select PROGRAMS, then select the Xoom Program Group, where you will see the Xoom Photo icon.
Netscape Navigator users
  • Step 1. Click here to copy Xoom Photo to your hard drive.

  • Step 2. In the "Save as" dialog box, choose the directory you want to copy the files to. Make sure you remember that directory!

  • Step 3. Go to your selected directory.

  • Step 4. In the directory, double click on xphoto.exe, to start the installation process.

  • Step 5. Once installed, you will find Xoom Photo inside the Xoom Program Group. You can find the Xoom Program Group by clicking on the START button on the bottom left corner of your Windows 95 screen. Select PROGRAMS, then select the Xoom Program Group, where you will see the Xoom Photo icon.
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