Index of all Fields and Methods
All Packages Class Hierarchy
Index of all Fields and Methods
- action(Event, Object).
Method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- addImage(Image).
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Add the next image to the animation with a default delay
after the frame.
- addImage(Image, int).
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Add the next image to the animation.
- addNotify().
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- AnimatedImageButton().
Constructor for class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Create a button.
- AnimatedImageButton(String).
Constructor for class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Create a button with a text label.
- AnimatedImageButtonApplet().
Constructor for class spt.applets.AnimatedImageButtonApplet
- AppletParamParser(Applet).
Constructor for class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- applyBGColorParam().
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Gets the color specified by the BGCOLOR parameter and sets
the applet background to it.
- applyFGBGColorParam().
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Processes FGCOLOR and BGCOLOR at once.
- applyFGColorParam().
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Gets the color specified by the FGCOLOR parameter and sets
the applet foreground to it.
- applyFontParam().
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Gets the font specified by the FONT parameter and sets
the applet font to it.
Static variable in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
Static variable in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
Static variable in class spt.gui.Rectangle3D
Static variable in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
Static variable in class spt.gui.Rectangle3D
- BorderedComponent(Component).
Constructor for class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- Create an object to border a Component.
- BorderedComponent(Component, int).
Constructor for class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- Create an object to border a Component and make it the
given width (applies to 2D borders only).
- borderWidthOfMode(int).
Static method in class spt.gui.Rectangle3D
Static variable in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Bottom of the image
- cgiParams().
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Read and convert CGI-format parameters to a
Hashtable of name/value pairs.
- cgiParams(int).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Read and convert CGI-format parameters to a
Hashtable of name/value pairs.
- cgiParamToStrings(String).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Convert single string in CGI parameter format to an
array of 2 strings.
- createDisabledImage(Image, Component).
Static method in class spt.gui.ImagePanel
- Return a "grayed-out" version of the given image.
- disable().
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Disable the button.
- disable().
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Disables the button.
- disableImage().
Method in class spt.gui.ImagePanel
- DualImageButtonApplet().
Constructor for class spt.applets.DualImageButtonApplet
- enable().
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Enables the button.
- fDebug.
Variable in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- fractionalToFloat(String).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Convert a fractional String to it's decimal
- getApplet(String).
Method in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- Gets an applet by name.
- getAppletInfo().
Method in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- Returns a default authorship string.
- getBoolean(String).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Get a Boolean parameter.
- getBoolean(String, boolean).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Return a Boolean or default value if it doesn't exist.
- getBorderStyle().
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Gets border style useful for the BorderComponent class.
- getBorderWidth().
Method in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- getColor(String).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Get a Color parameter.
- getColor(String, Color).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Return a Color or default value if it doesn't exist.
- getDouble(String).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Get a Double parameter.
- getDouble(String, float).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Return a Double or default value if it doesn't exist.
- getFloat(String).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Get a Float parameter.
- getFloat(String, float).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Return a Float or default value if it doesn't exist.
- getFont(String).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Get a Font parameter.
- getFont(String, Font).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Return a Font or default value if it doesn't exist.
- getHelpText().
Method in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- getImage().
Method in class spt.gui.ImagePanel
- getImageButton().
Method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- getImageLabelGap().
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- getInteger(String).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Get an Integer parameter.
- getInteger(String, int).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Return an Integer or default value if it doesn't exist.
- getLabel().
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- getLabelPosition().
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- getPadding().
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- getParameter(String).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Get the value of a parameter in String format.
- getParameter(String, String).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Get a String parameter or return a default value if it
doesn't exist.
- getParameterInfo().
Method in class spt.applets.AnimatedImageButtonApplet
- Parameters
- getParameterInfo().
Method in class spt.applets.DualImageButtonApplet
- Parameters
- getParameterInfo().
Method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- Parameters
- getParameterInfo().
Method in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- Parameters
- getURL(String).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Get a URL parameter.
- getURL(String, URL).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Return a URL or default value if it doesn't exist.
- hashtableFromString(String).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Converts a String to a Hashtable.
- helpText.
Variable in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- ImageButton(Image).
Constructor for class spt.gui.ImageButton
- ImageButton(Image, String).
Constructor for class spt.gui.ImageButton
- A null image or label is ok; a null image and label
is pretty darn useless.
- ImageButtonApplet().
Constructor for class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- ImagePanel(Applet, URL).
Constructor for class spt.gui.ImagePanel
- Creates an ImagePanel with the image in the specified URL
(applets only).
- ImagePanel(String).
Constructor for class spt.gui.ImagePanel
- Creates an ImagePanel with the image in the specified file
(no good for applets).
- IN.
Static variable in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- IN.
Static variable in class spt.gui.Rectangle3D
- indexOfMatched(String, int).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Returns the index of the matching '{', '[' or '(' character
in the given String.
- init().
Method in class spt.applets.AnimatedImageButtonApplet
- General initialization.
- init().
Method in class spt.applets.DualImageButtonApplet
- General initialization.
- init().
Method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- General initialization.
- init().
Method in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- General initialization.
Static variable in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Left of the image
- loadImage(Applet, URL).
Static method in class spt.gui.ImagePanel
- Load an image.
- loadImage(Component, String).
Static method in class spt.gui.ImagePanel
- Load an image.
- mergeParameters(String[][], String[][]).
Static method in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- Combine two lists of parameters.
- mouseDown(Event, int, int).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- mouseEnter(Event, int, int).
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- mouseEnter(Event, int, int).
Method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- mouseEnter(Event, int, int).
Method in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- mouseExit(Event, int, int).
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- mouseExit(Event, int, int).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- mouseExit(Event, int, int).
Method in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- mouseUp(Event, int, int).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
Static variable in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- OUT.
Static variable in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- OUT.
Static variable in class spt.gui.Rectangle3D
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class spt.gui.ImagePanel
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class spt.gui.Rectangle3D
- parameterExists(String).
Method in class spt.applets.AppletParamParser
- Was the parameter supplied?
- paramParser.
Variable in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- readString(DataInput).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Read a String from a DataInput source.
- Rectangle3D(Component, int, int, int, int).
Constructor for class spt.gui.Rectangle3D
- repaintImage().
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- resetAnimation().
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Reset the animation back to the first frame.
- reshape(int, int, int, int).
Method in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- resize().
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Resize the button the the size of its image plus padding
and border.
- resizeToChild().
Method in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- Resize the parent border to the current size of it's child
plus the required border width and padding area.
- resizeToImage().
Method in class spt.gui.ImagePanel
- Resize the Panel to the size of the current image.
Static variable in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Right of the image
- run().
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- The entry point of the animation thread.
- scale(double).
Method in class spt.gui.ImagePanel
- Scale the image.
- setAnimateOnEnter(boolean).
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Sets whether the animation whould be started when the
pointer enters the button area.
- setAudioClip(AudioClip).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Set the audio clip to play when the button is pushed.
- setBorderColor(Color).
Method in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- The color of the border (applies to 2D borders only).
- setBorderStyle(int).
Method in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- Set the style of the border.
- setBorderWidth(int).
Method in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- The width of the border (applies to 2D borders only).
- setClickAudioParam(Applet, ImageButton).
Static method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- setDrawingMode(int).
Method in class spt.gui.Rectangle3D
- setDrawPushedIn(boolean).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Make the button "depress" when clicked? If false the button
will behave normally, except when pushed it will give no
visual feedback.
- setDrawPushedInParam(Applet, ImageButton).
Static method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- setEnabledParam(Applet, ImageButton).
Static method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- setFont(Font).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- setFontParam(Applet, ImageButton).
Static method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- setHelpText(String).
Method in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- Sets the help message.
- setImage(Image).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- The image to be shown.
- setImageLabelGap(int).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Set the gap, in pixels, between the label, if any, and image.
- setImageScale(double).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Scale the image to the given value (1.0 = 100%).
- setImageScale(float).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Scale the image to the given value (1.0 = 100%).
- setImgLabelGapParam(Applet, ImageButton).
Static method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- setImgScaleParam(Applet, ImageButton).
Static method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- setLabel(String).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- setLabelPosition(int).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Set the position of the label in relation to the image:
- setPadding(int).
Method in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- The space, in pixels, between the border and Component (the
default is 0).
- setPadding(int).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Set the padding, in pixels, between the button border and
its image.
- setPaddingColor(Color).
Method in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- The color to paint the padding are between the border and
Component (the default is the background color).
- setPaddingParam(Applet, ImageButton).
Static method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- setRepeat(boolean).
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Should the animation repeat or just run once?
- setShowBorder(boolean).
Method in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Show the border of the button? Useful when you just want
the image without the 3D button look around it.
- setShowBorderParam(Applet, ImageButton).
Static method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- setTarget(URL).
Method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- setTargetFrame(String).
Method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- setTextAlignParam(Applet, ImageButton).
Static method in class spt.applets.ImageButtonApplet
- split(String).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Convert a pipe delimited String to an array of elements.
- split(String, String).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Convert a delimited String to an array of elements
using the specified delimiter set.
- start().
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Starts the animation.
- startAnimation().
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Call this method to begin the animation after all the images
in the animation have been supplied.
- StdApplet().
Constructor for class spt.applets.StdApplet
- stdAppletInit().
Method in class spt.applets.StdApplet
- General initialization.
- stop().
Method in class spt.gui.AnimatedImageButton
- Stops the animation.
- stringFromFile(String).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Create a string initialized with the contents of a file.
- stringToColor(String).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Parse a String and return a Color.
- StringUtil().
Constructor for class spt.util.StringUtil
- toFile(String, String).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Store a String in its own file.
- TOP.
Static variable in class spt.gui.ImageButton
- Top of the image
- update(Graphics).
Method in class spt.gui.BorderedComponent
- writeString(DataOutput, String).
Static method in class spt.util.StringUtil
- Write a String to a DataOutput source.